Fenercioğlu, who graduated from university with a degree, returned to his hometown soon after graduation and started activities here. Fenercioğlu has gathered many companies which have been established by him for construction sector since 2009 within the body of Fenercioğlu A.Ş. where he is the founder and chairman. Particularly, Fenercioğlu A.Ş. has become a brand with its urban transformation projects, building inspection and Shopping Mall construction activities in Alanya and for him, this success in his activities depends on powerful team of architects and engineers. Board Chairman of Fenercioğlu A.Ş. Aycan Fenercioğlu, who has also become a well-known figure in Antalya and receives project proposals there, said, “we will start our activities in Türkiye following Antalya and then in the world.”

The interview that we have made with Fenercioğlu can be summarized as follows:

Dear Mr. Aycan, you are one of the first names that are immediately known in terms of urban transformation activities and Shopping Malls in Alanya. Could you please talk about yourself and your activities?

I was born in 1986 in Alanya and grew up here. I finished primary, secondary schools and high school in Alanya in line with my parents’ desire although I was successful in the exams for better and more quality schools in Istanbul. I was entitled to study Construction Engineering in Yıldız Technical University, one of the most important universities of Türkiye. I finished the university earlier than its scheduled term and made my mark on the history of the university. After graduation from university, I had to give up my working plans first in İstanbul and then abroad due to the conditions on those days and returned to Alanya. I have been carrying out activities on construction sector since 2009. I am the chairman of Fenercioğlu A.Ş. which I have established. I’m married with 2 children.


We would like to talk about Fenercioğlu A.Ş. Which services are you providing under the roof of Fenercioğlu A.Ş.?

We have gathered project, urban transformation, real estate development companies in addition to construction companies and our agricultural companies which we have recently started during pandemic process and the companies to be established in respect of tourism and health sectors on which we are doing studies over the next days under a single roof. Our basic specialty field is construction. We hold all requirements of construction sector from architectural project to construction and from building inspection to concrete laboratory. Our company is the only one carrying out activities in this respect in Alanya and Antalya. We are very happy that we are working together with approximately 55 engineers and architects. We are planning to increase the number of employees in our team to 70.


Which projects has Fenercioğlu A.Ş. realized until now?

We have carried out many projects in Alanya until now. Especially, we have had a lot of projects in relation to urban transformation and Shopping Mall constructions in Alanya region and they continue to do so. I would like to thank ALTSO President Mr. Mehmet Şahin for his contributions to us with his support and vision in this respect. We are able to meet all requirements of construction from the project stage to construction without needing any other company. Presently, we have 10 ongoing constructions including the ones in Antalya. We aim at carrying out 17 projects in the summer next year and 23 projects in 2023 at the same time. Very important demands are coming from Antalya. We will increase the projects in Antalya more over the next days and have projects first, all over Türkiye and then, particularly in Europe.


How did urban transformation activities start in Antalya and what is the present situation in this respect?

Are you happy about the city aestheticism and what are the missing points?

Our activities for urban transformation have started with supply and demand in Alanya. Since no land for construction remained particularly at the city center of Alanya, there wasn’t any location for new construction. The city also needed a transformation and aestheticism. At this point, we have established an organization related to urban transformation. Urban transformation in Alanya is continuing on the basis of parcel; in other words, on the basis of building construction. At this point, it is only our company which is performing work the most and giving confidence. In earlier periods of urban transformation, our teams used to visit the citizens in order to tell them about this renewal and transformation activities. Now, owners whose apartments’ use life expire or become very old visit our company and tell us that they want to cooperate with us. We are providing services with our big team regarding urban transformation activities and all other issues up to housing benefit received from the government by protecting the rights of the apartment owners. A commission was established related to city aestheticism several days ago. Of course, there are some missing points in relation to city aestheticism. Anyway, one of our concerns regarding renewal of old buildings is to strengthen aestheticism. We hope these missing points will be eliminated soon in order to make brand value of Alanya powerful.


Property owners whose apartments will be renewed have concerns due to loss of area of usage in meter square. What are the criteria in urban transformation? Which concerns do some of the homeowners have in this respect?

Unfortunately, there isn’t any right to add extra number of storeys in the present urban transformation in Alanya and Antalya. Since there is not any right to add an extra storey as it is in certain regions of Istanbul, loss of meter square occurs and therefore, usage area of houses decreases. This is something like dividing the cake of 5 slices into 8 slices. On the one hand, the area of usage in square meter decreases but value of the house reaches to the level of minimum 2 times. There is no doubt that homeowners have some concerns about the usage area in square meter but the buildings’ age is higher than 30 at the city center. First of all, buildings become safe and they are renewed and therefore, we recommend taking the side of urban transformation also by reminding our citizens that their rights are protected.


All right, as a Construction Engineer, what do you think about the activities of other companies being engaged in urban transformation like you in Alanya?

Unfortunately, there are certain locations in Alanya where demolition works have been completed but construction works have not been started yet, which is organized by incompetent and incapable companies. These companies made unrealistic promises to the citizens about the usage area of the houses, which was unlikely to be fulfilled and thus, deceived them. Since such promises concerning usage area in square meter were unlikely to be fulfilled, some citizens were exposed to unjust treatment. I recommend our people to have the contractual square meter confirmed by an advocate, architect or engineer before entering into agreement for urban transformation and then, make their decisions. Otherwise, projects contrary to the zoning legislation are introduced to the people and this causes them to be deprived of their rights.


Construction sector was never interrupted by pandemic but continued and it was one of the rare sectors in this respect. Could you please tell us about the process also by considering the increasing costs and sudden rise in housing prices?

Last year, in March all sectors nearly came to a halt all over the world. Even though we continued construction activities, sales came to a halt. With the credit package issued by the government in the last summer, a very significant dynamism and activity occurred particularly in the domestic market. This caused an unprecedented construction activity in the history of the republic. We run out of the present stocks and started new construction projects.


We came face to face high increases in prices of construction raw materials due to economic parameters and after uncontrolled increase in foreign currency. Particularly, iron prices affected us so much and caused the costs to increase. We created the statistics of foreign currency mobility and the price increases in construction raw materials last year. In this statistics, increase in the price of construction raw materials is more than the increase in foreign currency…Both costs increased in construction sector and supply of raw materials become difficult and on the other hand, periods of maturity date have been shortened. These three factors triggered increase in housing prices. It became difficult for our people to buy houses due to such prices and increase in the interest rates of credits. Presently, it does not seem to be reasonable for our citizens to buy a house by using loan but in case of credit package by the government over the next days, purchasing power of our citizens and investment power of investors will increase.


We observe that particularly foreigners buy houses. Alanya seems to be successful in housing purchases according to the statistics. What do you think about the reason for such success?

There is a strong demand from foreigners outside domestic market in Alanya. This situation accelerated construction works particularly, in certain locations of the city. Especially, very rapid sales occurred in the last winter months. These successful sales proved success of Alanya as a county in real estate statistics. An important share in housing sales was related to the regulation of the government too. Conferring citizenship to the foreigners who buy houses at the price over a certain amount has increased foreign currency input and also accelerated construction sector more. Apart from acquiring citizenship; going swimming in nearly all seasons, sun, history, sea, long beaches, tablelands and vivid city life of Alanya in our unique geography are also important factors to prefer Alanya.

How many construction projects have you carried out until now?

We have produced nearly 70 projects with our 55 architects and engineers. We have completed nearly 40 construction works and provided nearly urban transformation services only outside.


What is indispensable in your projects and what do you think about the essential elements which make a house?

What is indispensable for us is that the project is safe. It is our fundamental objective to ensure occupational safety of our teammates during construction stage and to present a healthy, comfortable and safe living space to the occupants of those houses at every point from the foundation to the concrete, iron, electricity accessories of our all projects and to all housing requirements. All other things are done according to the demand.


Alanya and our region fought against fire in the past few days and extinguishing activities are locally continuing. We also know that you have given support for planting young trees and are there any other activities apart from those ones?

First, I wish our people a speedy recovery and God to forbid repetition of such disasters. I wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives. Everybody must be involved in firefighting and cooperate in unity until all such hard times disappear. Once all fires and extinguishing activities end, as Fenercioğlu A.Ş., we will be able to plant the young trees through Tema ( The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion) Foundation. I don’t find sharing of any aid and donation activity right but Tema Foundation particularly wanted us to share it. Our fellow friends seeing such sharing participated in the chain of this donation.


What are the new targets of Fenercioğlu A.Ş.?

We are a very dynamic company and our targets are very high. We will keep the slogan “Everything You Can Imagine Is Real.” vivid endlessly.

We plan to deliver all of our projects in the better manner and continue carrying out new projects by targeting the newer ones. One of our new targets is to perform construction works in foreign countries. Our flag will keep flying in the most important city of Europe related to this project. We are planning to take steps in the direction this winter


I would like to thank you for your participation in our Monday Talk program. İs there any other thing you want to add?

We thank you. Education is important for us. We give scholarship to the students receiving construction engineering education. Additionally, as Fenercioğlu A.Ş., we are open to the ideas of young, dynamic and bright minds in terms of apprenticeship and job. I would like to express that they should never hesitate to contact us. We are ready to provide every support as best as we can.