Sunshine Ligustrum Losing Its Leaves In Winter – Most of my Sunshine Ligustrum that where planted in spring of 20116 have lost 90% of their leaves the last …
Based on the symptoms, the reason for your privet hedge to be dying is: A common privet killer – Honey Fungus (Armillaria) – a fungal disease that spreads through the soil . Very destructive in nature, it feeds on the roots of the hedge and leaves them decaying afterwards.
Ligustrum Care Privets withstand drought, but they grow best if irrigated during prolonged dry spells. Fertilize ligustrum plants in early spring and again in late summer or fall . You can also fertilize in summer if the plants are growing rapidly or appear to need another feeding. Use 0.7 pounds (0.3 kg.)
They will send up new shoots. They're grown from cuttings, so what you get back in regrowth will be the same variety you had before . It may be two years before they fruit. Ligustrums: Waxleaf ligustrums may have brown, indented spots on their leaves a week or two after a severe freeze.
I have been living at my address for 7 years and the last two years my privets have turned brown and lost their leaves during the months of January and February . I attached some pictures. Last year they came back although they weren't as full and robust as they used to be.
Many privet species are not especially ornamental plants when considered in isolation. They're either evergreen or deciduous ( dropping their leaves over winter ) with dense, oval or lance-shaped, glossy green leaves, though some varieties have different leaf shades.
The plant is semi-evergreen. This means that it is theoretically evergreen, but loses its leaves (wholly or partially) during a severe winter . In the spring, new leaves quickly replace the fallen ones. The California privet is an exceptionally robust plant that does well almost anywhere.
You can rejuvenate the ligustrum by cutting it back to six to twelve inches tall in late February. New growth will come from the stump and you can trim that growth occasionally as your shrub grows back into a pleasing form. Remember always to keep the bottom of the shrubs wider than the top so sunshine can penetrate.
When to Prune Ligustrum Privet pruning can be done just about any time of the year . However to avoid the risk of damaging new growth, do not prune in late fall in zones 6 to 8a. Heavy pruning to rejuvenate an older plant or control size is best reserved for late winter or early spring.