Doğuş Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık


Doğuş Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık Programı

1 – Doğuş Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık ( Birebir – Özel Doğuş Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı Dersi )
2 – Doğuş Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık ( 4 kişilik Grup Doğuş Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı Dersi )

Doğuş Üniversitesinin Proficiency sınavı hazırlık programı ile,  başarılı olmak isteyenler için özel olarak üniversitenin sınav formatlarına uygun bir biçimde hazırlanmış Doğuş Üniversitesinin Proficiency sınavı hazırlık programına katılarak Doğuş üniversitesi proficiency sınavı hazırlık kampüsünde ki yerinizi alabilirsiniz.



(Sınav soru tipleri gerekli görüldüğünde değiştirilebilmektedir.)

Doğuş Üniversitesince Kabul Edilen Not Sistemi: IELTS’in puanlama sistemi 1 ve 9 arasında fark eden bir bant üzerindendir. Toplamda 9 üzerinden minimum 6,5 alan öğrenciler (hem Akademik hem de Genel Eğitim formatı için aynı not geçerlidir), Doğuş Üniversitesi Hazırlık Bölümünden muaf olurlar.

Doğuş Üniversitesince Kabul Edilen Not Sistemi: IBT-TOEFL’dan minimum 79-80 alan öğrenciler Doğuş Üniversitesi Hazırlık Bölümünden muaf tutulurlar .


(Bu kat’i bir liste değildir. Lüzumlu görülen durumlarda listede olmayan sorular da sorulabilir.)

12-year primary education should be compulsory
Alcoholic beverages should be banned
All kinds of weapons should be destroyed in the world
Alternative medicine
American films will continue to attract a larger audience than Turkish films
Banning the sale of tobacco products
Being a student / an employee
Being an extrovert / introvert
Being forever young is wonderful
Being single
Being young vs being old
Blind dates
Can computers replace teachers?
Committing crimes
Compulsory military service
Computers are a mixed blessing
Conventional and nuclear weapons
Culture shock
Dangerous sports
Death penalty
Developments in science & technology
Diet is most important for health
Discipline in the family
Divorce and children
Enjoy the moment, don’t think about tomorrow
Euthanasia should be legalized
Every job has its difficulties
Everybody has a tendency to break the law
Expensive mobile phones are an unnecessary luxury
Failure / Success
Fashion is everything
Female and male teachers
Finding the right partner to marry is very difficult
Football / basketball
Footballers earn too much money
Formal examinations at universities should be banned
Friends have more influence on young people than families
Full-time / Part-time jobs
Getting married at an early age
Having a part-time job
Having a university degree is a must nowadays
Human strengths and weaknesses
Improving the quality of education at universities
Internet and learning
İstanbul hosting the 2012 Olympic Games
It is necessary for children to attend kindergarten
It’s wrong to keep animals in captivity
Keeping fit
Language skills, speaking and writing
Learning a language in Turkey or abroad
Life now and life in the next century
Lifestyles are improving in Turkey
Living in a foreign country
Living in an apartment and a house with a garden
Living in the country/living in a city
Living until 140
Living with your family / living away from your family
Making new friends is more difficult than it seems
Money is everything
Nobody needs any further high-tech development
Nuclear disasters
One cannot be successful in life without goals
Owning a car in a large city
Parents attitudes towards their sons and daughters are different
People waste too much of their time talking about unimportant subjects
Physical appearance and its effect on people
Plastic surgery
Population explosion
Population growth
Preventing crimes
Private vs state universities
Problems between parents and their children
Racial discrimination
Reading books and watching movies
Should parents allow their children to have education in a different country/ city?
Should parents allow their children to stay out very late?
Should talk shows be banned?
Should young people start working when they are still at school / university?
Smoking should be banned in public places
Some people like adventures while others dislike them
Space Travel
Summer and winter holidays
The role of the media
The world would be a better place if people listened more than they talked
There must be stricter driving regulations in Turkey
Tolerance is an important virtue
Traditions and their effects on people
Traffic accidents
Transportation in big cities
Travelling all over the world
Travelling by bicycle is advantageous
Turkish and American films
Turkish men and women
University & high school life
Use of technology at home
Violence on TV
We are all egoists
Women and careers
Women are more difficult to understand than men
Women should join the army
Working for the private sector is better than the state sector
Working hard is not the only key to success
Working in the private sector
Working mothers
Young people care too much about their appearance
Your friends say a lot about who you are



(Bu kat’i bir liste değildir. Lüzumlu görülen durumlarda listede olmayan sorular da sorulabilir.)

1. “All murderers should be executed.” What do you think about it? Is this issue controversial all over the world? Why / why not?
2. “Education is a must in one’s life.” What do you think? Do you agree or disagree?
3. “Reading broadens one’s horizons.”
4. “Words are loaded pistols.” What do you think about this expression?
5. Are examinations necessary / important? Why / why not?
6. Because of technology people have become lazier.
7. Do you agree or disagree that we should be spending money on space travel? Why?
8. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? Why?
9. Do you think it is better for university students to live with their family or alone?
10. Do you think more money should be used for research into new medical treatments?
11. Do you think people over the age of 65 should not be allowed to drive?
12. Do you think sports personalities deserve the large amounts of money that they are paid?
13. Do you think that art should be done for the sake of art or for society’s benefit?
14. Do you think that the way people dress reflects their personality?
15. Do you think the kind of music people prefer to listen to reflects their personality?
16. Do you think tobacco advertising should be allowed on TV? Why / why not?
17. Do you think violent sports such as boxing should be banned?
18. Everyone has a tendency to tell lies.
19. Fanaticism in sports.
20. Girls are more industrious than boys at school.
21. Giving advice is the easiest thing to do in life.
22. Having a pet makes people happier and less stressful.
23. How can traffic congestion in a city be reduced?
24. How do you think being a working person is different from being a university student?
25. How do you think divorce affects children?
26. How do you think the world will change in the next century?
27. How do you think violent films affect children?
28. How do you think your diet (the way you eat) affects your health?
29. How does mass media affect people’s lives?
30. In contrast to what is believed, school life is the most boring period in life.
31. In order to become a developed country the duration of vacations should be reduced in Turkey.
32. In order to prevent misunderstandings, there must be mutual respect between people.
33. In Turkey, who has an easier life? Men or women?
34. In what ways do you think the lifestyles of famous people are different from the lifestyles of ordinary people?
35. In what ways has İstanbul (or Turkey) changed in the last 50 years?
36. Is Turkey a European country or do we still have a long way to go?
37. Is TV a child’s friend or enemy?
38. It is said that laughing leads to longevity.
39. Making a strong friendship is as difficult as maintaining it.
40. Men are more aggressive than women.
41. Money is the root of all evil.
42. People can learn more when they travel than when they read.
43. Recycling is an important issue nowadays. Why is this and what should we do to support it?
44. Sleeping is just a waste of time in our short but precious life.
45. Some days, such as Mothers Day and Saint Valentine’s Day, have been commercialised to make people spend money.
46. Technological and scientific developments are necessary for society.
47. First impressions can be misleading.
48. The University Entrance Examination should be banned.
49. To what extent does fashion influence the way we dress?
50. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a house?
51. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism?
52. What are the dangers of sunbathing?
53. What are the most important events in one’s life? Why?
54. What can be done to help disabled people?
55. What can we do for the homeless to make them have a better life?
56. What can we do to become healthier?
57. What should be done to protect nature and the environment?
58. What criticisms do you have about older people like your parents / grandparents /teachers etc.?
59. What do you think about “divorce”? Is it immoral? Why / why not?
60. What suggestions have you got for the Turkish national team to win the world cup?
61. What do you think about cloning?
62. What do you think about having a job while you are studying at university?
63. What do you think about restricting the rights of the media?
64. What do you think about terrorism in the world?
65. What do you think about the life of working women?
66. What do you think about TV commercials? In what ways are people influenced?
67. What do you think is the most important / serious problem in the world today?
68. What do you think people should do in order to protect themselves in an earthquake?
69. What improvements should be made to hospitals in the area that you live?
70. What is the best machine / thing that has ever been invented? Why?
71. What was the most frightening experience in your life? Why?
72. What role does art have in life?
73. What kind of precautions can be taken to reduce the crime rate?
74. What kind of problems do teenagers have with their parents / families?
75. What kind of things should we think about when we’re choosing a job?
76. What qualifications should a person have in order to find a good job in Turkey?
77. What things should we do to stay fit and healthy?
78. When do people usually feel lonely? What are the possible reasons for loneliness?
79. Where do you think you will live and work in the future?
80. Which countries in the world would you like to visit and why?
81. Which one do you think is better? A small family or a big one? Why?
82. What is the most exciting sport for you? Why?
83. Which would you prefer? Working indoors or outdoors? Why?
84. Which two sporting events do you prefer to watch and why?
85. Why is football so popular in Turkey?
86. Would you prefer to live in the countryside or in the city? Why?


» Completing / Filling in the blanks (with words given in the box with extra words, with the given alternatives, linkers, the right tenses, the prompts) / Completing the table (with adjs. / opposite of the words)
» Putting words into the correct order
» Matching the words with… (definitions / pictures / photos / phrases / comments)
» Circle the correct word
» Multiple choice completion / Incomplete sentences (Multiple choice- TOEFL format)
» C-test for vocabulary / Cloze test (Multiple choice or completion)
» Writing / making questions ( to complete the dialogue ) / Writing sentences (+ /-/ ? ) with the verbs given / using the adjs. from the table ) / using the cues to form Qs or answers
» Finding / Correcting the mistake in each sentence / Identifying the one underlined expression that must be changed for the sentence to be correct (TOEFL format) / Error analysis
» Putting the words into the correct groups / Classifying words
» Writing instructions under the correct picture
» Writing the part of speech for the underlined words
» Rewriting the sentences with / using…(Key word transformations)
» Writing your own sentences with the given words / writing an expression for the situation given
» Word building (completing the blanks with the correct form of the words in parenthesis) / Choosing the word which best suits into the blank (multiple- choice TOEFL format)
» Joining two sentences


» Completing / Filling in the blanks (with words given in the box with extra words, with the given alternatives, linkers, the right tenses, the prompts) / Completing the table (with adjs. / opposite of the words)
» Joining two sentences
» Rewriting the sentences with / using… (Key word transformations)
» Multiple choice completion / Incomplete sentences (Multiple choice- TOEFL format) / Cloze test (Multiple choice or completion)
» Word building (completing the blanks with the correct form of the words in
parenthesis) / Choosing the word which best suits into the blank (multiple- choice TOEFL format)
» C-test for vocabulary
» Finding / Correcting the mistake in each sentence / Identifying the one underlined expression that must be changed for the sentence to be correct (TOEFL format) / Error analysis
» Matching the words with… (definitions / pictures / photos / phrases / comments)    » Writing / making questions ( to complete the dialogue ) / Writing sentences (+ /-/ ? ) with the verbs given / using the adjs. from the table ) / using the cues to form Qs or answers
» Writing your own sentences with the given words / writing an expression for the situation given


» Rewriting the sentences with / using…(Key word transformations)
» Multiple choice completion / Incomplete sentences (Multiple choice- TOEFL format) / Cloze test (Multiple choice or completion)
» Word building (completing the blanks with the correct form of the words in parenthesis) / Choosing the word which best suits into the blank (multiple- choice TOEFL format)
» C-test for vocabulary
» Finding / Correcting the mistake in each sentence / Identifying the one underlined expression that must be changed for the sentence to be correct (TOEFL format) / Error analysis
» Writing your own sentences with the given words / writing an expression / a sentence for the situation given
» Completing / Filling in the blanks (with words given in the box, with extra words, with the given alternatives, linkers, the right tenses, the prompts) / Completing the table (with adjs. / opposite of the words)
» Writing / making questions ( to complete the dialogue ) / Writing sentences (+ /-/ ? ) with the verbs given / using the adjs. from the table ) / using the cues to form Qs or answers
» Matching the words with… (definitions / pictures / photos / phrases / comments)


» T / F Correct the false ones-T / F only
» Open ended questions / Factual questions ( Specific info, detail questions- Multiple-choice TOEFL format)
» Missing headings
» Missing sentences
» Multiple choice (Main idea, main topic, main purpose, author’s reason-TOEFL Format)
» Completing sentences about the text
» Choosing the correct summary for paragraphs. (TOEFL format)
» Putting jumbled paragraphs into correct order. / Questions about previous or following paragraphs (What most likely precedes / follows the passage? Multiple-choice TOEFL format) / Organization questions (Overall structure of a passage or a paragraph-Multiple-choice TOEFL Format)
» Multiple matching (Scanning) / Scanning questions (Finding the place in the text that something is mentioned-Multiple choice TOEFL format)
» Referral questions / Reference questions (Identifying the noun to which a pronoun or other expression refers- Multiple-choice TOEFL format)
» Match the words with meanings / Find the word in the text which means… / Vocabulary in context questions (Multiple-choice TOEFL format)
» Textually implicit questions (not openly stated in the text) / Drawing conclusions based on the info. (Multiple -choice TOEFL format)
» What do you think about ? / Do you agree with the writer? Why/not? (2-3 sentences) / Tone questions (Author’s feelings about the topic by the language he uses in writing the passage. Multiple-choice TOEFL format) / Attitude questions (Author’s opinion- Multiple-choice TOEFL format)


» Matching info
» T / F / (NI) Correct the false ones.
» T / F / NI
» Multiple choice / Mini dialogues (TOEFL FORMAT) = Meaning questions (What does the man mean?) / Inference questions (What does… imply?) / Questions about suggestions, invitations, offers, requests / Questions about future actions (What will the man do?) / Topic questions (What are they talking about?) / Questions about opinions (How does the man feel about …?) / Questions about assumptions (What had the man assumed about..? / Questions about questions (What does the man want to know?)/ Questions about time (When is this conversation taking place?)/ Questions about reasons (Why did the man …?) / Questions about problems (What problem is the man having?) / Questions about activities (What are the speakers probably doing?) Extended Conversations (TOEFL FORMAT) = What is the main topic of this conversation? / What are these people primarily discussing? / Where does this conversation take place? / When does this conversation take place? / What is the relationship between the speakers? / What is the man’s occupation? / What is one speaker’s attitude toward the other speaker? / Answering detail questions / Inference questions / Mini-talks (TOEFL FORMAT) = Overview questions (Topic, main idea, purpose questions, questions about settings, questions about the speaker) / Detail questions (factual questions whose answers are directly stated, inference questions whose answers are suggested in the talk)
» Note-taking-ss. Pre-read the qs.
» Completing notes / tables / sentences (ss read the notes / sentences BEFORE they hear the lecture)
» Completing notes / tables / sentences (ss read the notes / sentences AFTER they hear the lecture)
» Answering open-ended questions briefly


» Writing an essay (composition)-opinion / argumentative / compare and contrast / cause and effect / problem-solution / process
» Writing a narrative
» Writing a letter
» Writing an article using the info in the table / Writing a passage using the pictures / photos or the info given etc…


Bu bölüm Eylül, Ocak ve Haziran Yeterlik Sınavlarında yoktur.

» Expressing opinions
» Making comparisons
» Situational questions
» Picture story
» Giving directions
» Asking Questions
» Talking about graphs and charts


(Yukarıdaki bilgilerin bir kısmı Doğuş Websitesinden alınmıştır.)



Read the following text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct and some have an extra word that should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (P) in the space provided. If there is a word that should not be there, write the word in the space provided at the end of the line. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).

A Dutch Schoolgirl’s Experience

We do live in a small town called Millingen, on the river 0. __ do ___
Rhine. The flood waters are rising quickly at the moment: the 00. ___ P __
water is right up to the top of the dykes which ought protect 1. _______
the town, and our house is in great danger of being flooded. 2. _______
Everything now must depends on the dykes and whether they 3. _______
hold. I was at school on Monday when we were told we have had 4. _______
to evacuate our homes. At about one o’clock we went home to 5. _______
pack everything we could, and carry what we could not to take 6. _______
with us upstairs into the attic of our house. We were meant to 7. _______
leave by on midnight, but there was so much to do that we 8. _______
stayed until at 5am. The gas had been disconnected so it was 9. _______
very cold. During the water kept on rising and in the end we 10. ______
were forced to go. As we had left we saw soldiers checking the 11. ______
houses to see if anybody was still in them yet. Some old 12. ______
people refused to leave. I do not never know if they are still 13. ______
there or not. Now we are waiting to see what it happens to the 14. ______
Dykes. Will I go back and find what our house has been ruined? 15. ______



Write a word that suits the context in the numbered blanks. Write only one word in each blank. There is an example at the beginning (0).

The Dragon Boat Festival

The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival attracts teams (0)__ of __ rowers from around the world. The origin of Dragon Boat racing dates back to (1)_____ fourth century BC. At (2)_____ time there was a minister called Qu Yuan. Although he (3)_____ much loved by the people, the King dismissed him (4)_____ his high position. Some people believed that unfriendly government officials had had a part in (5)_____ .

Unhappy and lonely, he wandered (6)_____ the countryside writing poems about (7)_____ love of the country and its people. Finally, unable to put (8)_____ with life any more, he committed suicide by drowning (9)_____ in the Mi Lo River.

It (10)_____ said that (11)_____ local fishermen raced out in their boats, they did (12)_____ manage to save him. So, to prevent his body from (13)_____ eaten by fish, they beat the surface of the water with their oars and threw rice in the river.

(14)_____ Hong Kong today, the death of Qu Yuan is celebrated (15)_____ year in the Dragon Boat Festival. The scene of the fishermen racing out to save Qu Yuan is repeated in the form of Dragon Boat races.



Rewrite the following sentences using the word given, so that the second sentence has a similar meaning to the first one. Write between two to five words. Do not change the word in bold. Contracted forms (isn’t, haven’t, don’t etc.) count as one word. No credit will be given to words with spelling mistakes . There is an example (0) at the beginning.


At the office, everyone can speak at least three languages.
At the office, everyone IS ABLE TO SPEAK at least three languages.

  1. They believe the criminal has had plastic surgery.
    The criminal ______________________________ plastic surgery.
  2. The garage is servicing my car on Monday.
    I’m ______________________________________ on Monday.
  3. I’d prefer us to go to the cinema.
    I’d ______________________________________ to the cinema.
  4. He has probably spent all the money he won.
    He ______________________________________ spent all the money he won.
  5. We were given the directions by Paul.
    It ________________________________________ the directions.
  6. The job was too badly paid, so she didn’t accept it.
    She ______________________________________ it was too badly paid.

7. I took my overcoat but it was not necessary.
I _________________________________________ my overcoat.