1. Program developed by Microsoft DirectX, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET infrastructure and fully prepared with 3D modeling method by our engineers. The program easy to use because it is completely Turkish, English, German, French and Russian.
Production Screen;
A better and clear animation screen is developed by Microsoft DirectX structure. It is ensured that the operation of the whole plant is monitored from the animation screen at every moment of production. During the production, the desired values, are weighed and intermittent differences will be shown. The flow quantities of the weighed values will be controlled according to the set parameters and will be warned on the animation screen where there is no flow during weighing and discharging. During production, water can be added or reduced without changing the formula. This can be done multiple times during the production. If the order changes during production, it is possible to reduce or increase the production amount as much as possible (less production than the finished material).
3. Recordings;
Unlimited receipt record can be created. Customer worksite; unlimited number of customers can be defined and unlimited number of sites can be defined to these customers. Truck and driver; unlimited number of trucks and drivers can be defined. Silo and material descriptions can be easily changed by the operator. Stock records can be tracked from the computer.
4. Settings;
Automation system works parametrically. The parameters are designed so that everyone can understand and adjust the plant to operate the plant in the most efficient and safe way. If the user is not asked to interfere with the parameters, it can be prevented from accessing or interfering.
5. Monitoring;
The details of past production records are available on request. Can be printed if necessary. Customer, Site, Truck, Driver information can be changed if user has authorization.
6. Reporting;
Keeping unlimited number of production records in memory, different combinations (customer, recipe, truck, etc.) can be reported at any time. Stock reports can also be reported in the same way. The reporting dates are as follows; can be reported as grouped / grouped in daily, monthly, annual or specified date range. Performance reports of truck, driver, etc. can be taken graphically. Reports can be printed on paper or saved in Excel or PDF format.
7. Delivery note;
At the end of the production or at the beginning of production, a dispatch note can be printed. Waybill outputs can be sent to more than one printer at the same time. In addition, if it is desired to print a waybill from past productions, two or more productions can be combined and a separate waybill or a production record can be divided into two or more records and a separate waybill can be printed. If the customer changes after the production is completed, the customer can be replaced and the consignment note can be printed again.
8. User Rights;
If required, the operator can restrict or expand the privileges.
9. Production from Order;
Daily order records can be defined and scheduled production can be done via order list. As the production is made, each production order can be tracked separately for each order and the remaining production amount can be tracked.
10. Planned Production;
The desired concrete is defined during the production or as a pre-plan and the next production will start automatically at the end of production without requiring approval. Individual production records can be added to the plan as well as order orders can be added to the plan via the previously defined orders.
Optionally, the program is designed to be controlled over the Internet. Record entry as described above within the user rights defined over the Internet
(receipt, customer, worksite, truck, etc.), monitoring, reporting and order entry from previous productions can be made, changed or deleted. Reports can be written to the printer or saved in PDF, Excel, Word formats. Programmable malfunctions may be corrected via internet. The user must use a static ip for online use.
12. Remote Support;
If there is internet in the cabin, we can help when you have a technical support about automation program.
13. Accounting Program Integration;
The productions made as a result of the integration to the accounting program used in the facility (Netis, Logo, Mikro, Sap) are automatically saved in the accounting program database. The information required for the integration of the accounting program (server name, user name, password, etc.) will be provided by the user.
Upon request, you can use the template you have created with the template that is ready in the ProkserNET Sms Module or by the template you created.
Waybill Printing Information sms:
Dear numbered m3 your concrete