Government support for those who buy homes for the first time!
Granting money from the government for first-time homeowners, government support for first-time home buyers 2021, government support for those who buy new homes and don’t have homes, what is a housing account, how does it open?
Government support for those who buy homes for the first time! The government will pay 31,000 lira from the purchased house.
After rising housing prices and mortgage interest rates, it became more difficult for citizens to own a home day by day, while the government had implemented a housing account to encourage home ownership with savings in this way.
Using the housing account, which is part of the banks’ savings accounts, it was announced that the grant money would be paid as government support for those who first buy a home.
While paying money granted to those who start saving by opening a housing account on the first date, this opportunity continues for those planning to own a home.
A housing account, which is one of the savings accounts of banks, is a type of bank account that those who want to own a home have opened to save on the costs of these investments. In accordance with the current housing account law in our country, the government will give a maximum of 31,149 Turkish lira to those who open accounts through banks with a housing account, make regular monthly savings on this account and save at least 36 months, more than the amount of money accumulated in their account when buying a home.
The amount of support for grant money, i.e. the government’s contribution amount, is calculated and increased each year based on the rate of reappraisal, and those who want to apply for a housing account are offered the opportunity to open a long-term housing account.
The calculation of the government’s contribution to the housing account is done through the money raised, and when the first account is opened, people who want to deposit the money at once are allowed to pay 62,298 lira simultaneously for 2021.
Referring to the bank you have chosen is enough to open a residential account with your identity document and if you plan to make a payment.
To calculate according to the amount of money accumulated in the accounts of 2021, a maximum of 26 thousand and 995.96 TL at the rate of 15 percent of the money they have savings in the housing account is calculated at least 36 and the maximum is 47 months,
a maximum of 29,72.57 TL, calculated at a rate of 18% of the amount savings for those who have spent at least 48 to 59 months in their housing account,
People who save 60 months or more in their housing account will be paid a maximum of 31,149/18 TL in housing account support, calculated at a rate of 20% of the savings amount.
Those who have made savings by opening a housing account in the bank for at least 36 months will be paid a grant from the government if they go to the bank after buying a dwelling and obtaining ownership documents. To do this, it is enough for people who buy the house to go to the bank along with the original title deed, the certificate of copy of identity registration and the original title deed of the title deed with servitude (without conex ownership).
The Bank finalizes the requests made in one month to the next 10 months and informs the ministry of the payments, and payments are made through the ministry within 30 days if the conditions are met.
Government support for those who buy homes for the first time.