Asrın felaketi olarak nitelenen Kahramanmaraş merkezli depremlerden etkilenen illerimize, çok sayıda ulusal ve uluslararası faaliyetlerden bulunan sivil toplum kuruluşları afetzedelere destek olabilmek için çalışmalar gerçekleştirdi. Çeşitli milletlerden kurum ve kuruluşlar, depremlerden etkilenen Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Adıyaman, Osmaniye, Adana, Gaziantep, Diyarbakır, Malatya, Şanlıurfa ve Kilis’e yardımlar ulaştırdı.
Milletlerarası İlişkiler ve Diplomasi Merkezi- MID olarak Kahramanmaraş depremin ilk saatlerinden itibaren AFAD başta olmak üzere ilgili kurum ve kuruluşlarımızla kurumsal kapasitemiz çerçevesindeki alanlarda katkı sunabilmek için iletişime geçildi. Öncelikli olarak ülkemizde yaşayan farklı ülkelerden topluluklarla bu bağlamda irtibat sağlandı. Filistin, Fas, Katar, Suriye, Mısır, Yemen, Sudan, Irak, Kuveyt, Libya ve Cezayirli kardeşlerimizin kurmuş olduğu 95 dernek bir araya gelerek koordinasyon oluşturdu.
Türk-Arap Kardeşlik Koordinasyonu; İçişleri Bakanlığı Göç İdaresi ile birlikte, AFAD ve Kızılay ile koordine olmuş olup şu faaliyetleri hayata geçirerek katkı sunmuştur.
Milletlerarası İlişkiler ve Diplomasi Merkezi – MID Genel Başkanı Dr. Celaleddin DURAN, Türk- Arap Koordinasyonu heyetiyle birlikte deprem bölgesine bir ziyaret gerçekleştirileceğini bundan sonraki süreçle alakalı yine AFAD koordinasyonunda üzerlerine düşen projeler olduğu takdirde de gerekli katkıları sunabileceklerini ifade etti. Devlet millet el birliğiyle kısa sürede yaraların sarılması için herkesin üzerine düşeni yapması gerektiğini belirten Duran, Asrın felaketinde özverili şekilde çalışan tüm kamu görevlilerimizle birlikte fedakârca gayret sarf eden ulusal ve uluslararası tüm sivil toplum kuruluşlarına teşekkür etti.
MID Genel Başkanı Dr. Celaleddin DURAN, vefat vatandaşlarımıza Allah’tan rahmet, yakınlarına başsağlığı dileyerek, tüm yaralılara şifalar ve depremzedelere geçmiş olsun temennisinde bulundu.
Milletlerarası İlişkiler ve Diplomasi Merkezi – MID
Kahramanmaraş -based earthquakes, described as the century’s disaster, carried out efforts to support disasters to our provinces of non -national and international activities. Institutions and organizations from various nations, Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Adıyaman, Osmaniye, Adana, Gaziantep, Diyarbakir, Malatya, Sanliurfa and Kilis.
International Relations and Diplomacy Center- As MID, Kahramanmaraş has been contacted to contribute to the areas within the framework of our corporate capacity, especially AFAD, especially AFAD. First, the communities from different countries living in our country have been contacted in this context. 95 associations established by our brothers Palestine, Morocco, Qatar, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, and Algeria came together to coordinate.
Turkish-Arab Brotherhood Coordination; With the Migration Administration of the Ministry of Interior, he coordinated with AFAD and Red Crescent and contributed to implementing these activities.
• Turkish-Arab brotherhood coordination was reached 57 million 876 thousand pounds to AFAD accounts in the first three days from the first hours of the earthquake.
• Turkish-Arab Brotherhood Coordination has sent 67 trucks to the earthquake zone.
• Within Turkish-Arab brotherhood coordination, approximately 12000 young people work in the fields.
• Currently, 1200 young Palestinian young, 500 Yemeni youth, 300 Egyptian young and 400 Iraqi young and thousands of Syrian youths in thousands of Syrian youths are supported in the earthquake.
• In addition, 300 doctors from Egyptian, Palestinian, Yemeni and Iraq have been involved in the earthquake zone.
• Some associations mobilized within the scope of Turkish-Arab Brotherhood Coordination since the first hours of the earthquake have also started campaigns in their own countries.
• All Palestinian associations have created the same and cash supports in AFAD coordination with the “Palestinian is with you” campaign.
• Our Egyptian brothers who lived in Türkiye also campaign under “One Ummah One Pain” and delivered their assistance directly with AFAD.
• Yemeni non -governmental organisations have made a joint campaign. “Yemen-Türkiye was carried out under the name of Humanitarian Relief Campaign.
• Sudanese non -governmental organisations carried out a joint campaign.
• Turkish-Arab coordination also enabled the expansion of the official announcements made from our public institutions and organisations in three languages in, Turkish, Arabic and English, to deliver the correct information against disinformation in social media to our citizens.
• International Relations and Diplomacy Center (MID) and the Ministry of Interior Migration Administration with the Presidency of the Migration Administration has been coordinated with our country’s communities.
• The Presidency of Migration has pioneered these non -governmental organisations to reach the earthquake zone and to coordinate with AFAD.
• The Presidency of Migration quickly took all the steps in civil society’s regular unity and compliance through coordination meetings.
• International relations and diplomacy center – many countries gathered under the leadership of MID has supported the coordination activities between AFAD and Red Crescent, especially our Migration Presidency.
International Relations and Diplomacy Center – MID Chairman Celaleddin Duran said that a visit to the earthquake zone together with the Turkish -Arab Coordination Delegation will be held in relation to the following process and that they could make the necessary contributions if projects are falling on AFAD coordination. Stating that the nation should do its part in a short time with the unity of the nation, stating that everyone should do their part, Duran thanked all national and international non -governmental organisations who have made devoted efforts with all our public officials who work devotedly in the disaster of the century.
MID Chairman Dr. Celaleddin Duran prayed to Allah for showing the mercy to our citizens, condolences to their relatives, healing all the wounded and wished to pass the earthquake victims.