New Communiqué on Debt Securities To Be Included In Calculation of Banks’ Equity

Recent Development

The Banking Regulation and Supervision Authority (“ BRSA ”) published the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Debt Securities to be Included in the Calculation of Banks’ Equity (“ Communiqué ”). The Communiqué entered into force through its publication in the Official Gazette date June 7, 2018 and no. 30444.

What’s New?

Debt securities can be included in the calculation of equity if independent audit institutions state that the conditions set out in the Regulation on Banks’ Equity (“ Equity Regulation ”) are fulfilled.

If debt securities are written off, subject to decrease in value or converted into shares,

  • those included in the calculation of additional principal capital will be taken into consideration before those included in the calculation of secondary capital;

In order to increase the value of a debt security that was subject to temporary value decrease, the following conditions must be fulfilled: (i) the increase must be performed based on the bank’s net profit for the relevant period; (ii) the total increased value and dividend or interest to be paid based on the decreased principal (nominal value of the debt security before decrease in value ÷ the amount of bank’s capital) must not exceed the amount to be calculated by x (banks’ distributable net profit for the period); and (iii) the share of each debt security within the total of debt securities that were subject to value decrease will be taken into consideration.

The value increase made following the temporary value decrease and dividend and interest to be paid based on the principal amount will be considered distribution of profit.


The Equity Regulation regulated the requirements for the inclusion of debt securities in equity calculation. The Communiqué further regulates debt securities’ write offs, value decreases, and shares conversions.