New Regulations on Savings Finance Companies in Force

Recent Developments

The savings finance model which is based on financing the housing or motor vehicles purchases of a participant by getting together the funds contributed by all participants seeking to acquire the same assets in a particular order has become very popular over the years and the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Authority (“ BRSA “) turned its eyes over this model. The extraordinary increase in the funds contributed to this model made it necessary to supervise those companies arranging the collection of the funds from the participants for the purposes of protecting the participants. Accordingly, the Bill on the Amendment of the Law No. 6361 on Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies (“ Law “) and Other Laws (“ Bill “) was presented to the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

Please find our Legal Alert dated February 26, 2021 on the Bill here .

The Law No. 7292 on the Amendment of the Law on Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies (“ Amendment “) entered into force following its publication in the Official Gazette dated March 7, 2021 and No. 31416.

What Does the Amendment Mean?

The Amendment changes the Law’s name as the Law on Leasing, Factoring, Financing and Savings Financing Companies.

Incorporation Requirements:


The Amendment brings the Bill into force, and the savings finance system under regulatory supervision. Consequently, from now on, companies that have been providing financial services without being subject to any supervision will be under regulatory scrutiny. The regulator aims to protect the rights and interest of clients and to ensure reliability in financial markets.

It will be vital for companies that are currently engaged in savings finance activities to follow the determined transition procedure in order not to be subject to any administrative or criminal sanctions.