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Proficiency Sınavı
Proficiency Sınavı
için Bireysel – Özel Ders )
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Proficiency Sınavı
Proficiency Sınavı
için 4 kişilik Gruplarla Ders )
Bu tür bileşik cümlelerde (complex sentence), isim cümlecikleri (noun clause) cümlenin tümleci (complement) olarak kullanılırlar.
İsim cümlecikleri “that” ya da bağlaç olarak kullanılan “soru sözcükleri” (question words) ile başlarlar. “that” bağlacı cümleden çıkartılabilir.
İsim cümlecikleri, ana cümleciklerde ki (main clause) öznelere (subject) aşağıdaki bağlayan fiiller (linking verbs) le bağlanarak onları tümlerler.
Linking Verbs
appear get (become) sound
be look stay
become seem taste
feel smell
This is not what I want.
İstediğim bu değildir.
The truth is that we are both to blame.
Gerçek şudur ki ikimizde kabahatliyiz.
İsim cümleciklerinin başında “whether” yerine “if” kullanılmaz.
*The question is whether he will get the money.
Sorun parayı alıp almayacağıdır.
*The house became what I expected it to become.
Ev olmasını ümit ettiğim gibi oldu.
*Mary looks what she claims to be.
Mary olduğunu iddia ettiği gibi görünüyor.
*Chicago was where he went first.
Chicago onun ilk gittiği yerdi
*The news was that the police had arrested a suspect.
Haber polisin bir şüpheliyi tutuklamış olması idi.
*What made me suspicious was (that) he was always getting drunk.
Beni şüpheli kılan şey onun her zaman sarhoş olması idi.
*My belief is that money doesn’t bring happiness to silly people.
İnanışım şudur ki para aptal insanlara mutluluk getirmez.
*That is not what I said.
Söylediğim şey o değildir.
*This is what Erica wrote about Istanbul.
Bu Erica’nın Istanbul hakkında yazdığı şeydir.
*The third house on your left is where I live.
Solunuzdaki üçüncü ev oturduğum yerdir.
Bu tür bileşik cümlelerde (complex sentence), isim cümlecikleri (noun clause) ilgeçlerin (preposition) nesnesi (object) durumundadırlar. İsim cümlecikleri bağlaç (conjunction) olarak kullanılan “soru sözcükleri” (question words) ile başlarlar.
Jane told me about what she had seen in the city.
Jane bana görmüş olduğu şeylerden bahsetti.
*They spoke of what they did in their youth.
Gençliklerinde yaptıkları şeylerden söz ettiler.
*Mary laughed at what I said.
Mary söylediğim şeye güldü.
*He tells that story to whoever will listen.
Bu öyküyü kim dinlerse ona anlatır.
*This reminded me of how I once killed a tiger.
Bu bir zamanlar benim nasıl bir kaplan öldürdüğümü anımsattı bana.
*I have to be very careful about what I eat.
Yediğim şeylere çok dikkat etmem gerekiyor.
*They were engrossed in what he was saying.
Tüm dikkatlerini onun söylediği şeye vermişlerdi.
*I was surprised at what he said.
Onun söylediği şeye hayret ettim.
*Are you sorry for what you have done?
Yaptığın şey için üzgün müsün?
*They were debating about which was the better plan.
Hangisinin daha iyi plan olduğunu tartışıyorlardı.
*Mendelson kept a careful record of what he spent.
Mendelson harcadığı şeylerin çok dikkatli bir kaydını yaptı.
*It depends on when he did it.
Onu ne zaman yaptığına bağlıdır.
*I am not interested in what she said.
Onun söylediği şeylerle ilgilenmiyorum.
*The police are suspicious of the fact that the safe was not locked at the time of the robbery.
Polisler kasanın soygun sırasında kilitli olmadığından şüpheleniyorlar.
a. Translate the following sentences into Turkish.
b. Tell the kind of clauses in the following sentences.
1.We never really understood the reason why he left us.
2.He turned pale the moment he saw her.
3.You had better chain up the dog for fear he bites.
4.Much as I admire his courage. I cannot think he acted wisely.
5.I would rather you stayed at home tonight.
6.It seems almost unthinkable that any one should believe such nonsense.
7.The more we control pollution, the cleaner the environment will be.
8. I wish I hadn’t bought this car.
9It is necessary that the boy be given the right to express his opinion.
10.Whatever resources a country might have, it won’t flourish without adequate manpower.
11.However well educated you may be, there is plenty more for you to learn.
12.They always make a noise whenever I try to do my work.
13.No matter how hard he tries, he’II never be a perfect student.
14.It was Ferah who (that) wore her best dress to the dance last night.
15.It was lucky that he wasn’t incolved in the accident.
16.Now that you have finished your work, you can go out and play.
17.As we were tired of waiting. We decşded to go without them.
18.I have never met a man more outstandingly courageous than my father.
19.I would go home if I didn’t like the country I was visiting.
20.I ordere Tom to stay where he was until I brought help.
21.My girl friend speaks Spanish as fluently as her teacher does.
22.I will let you drive as long as you have a valid driving licence.
23.Madonna wants to take her cat wherever she goes.
24.In the event that it rains, they will have to cancel the game.
25.Don’t forget what I told you.
26.Why the woman jumped into the sea will never be know.
27.I visited the city where I was born.
28.The fire which spread quickly round the factory lasted for six hour.
29.There was such a storm that they couldn’t go out.
30.Sonya was so moved by the beauty of the music that she almost forgot where she was.
31.Please tell me when the train will arrive at the train station.
32.That your answer is wrong is quite clear.
33.It remains a mystery what the thieves did with all the money.
34.The patient mustn’t get out of bed until his temperature has gone down.
35.Once it starts to rain, it rains for days.
36.They have arrived early lest they should miss the overture.
37.I couldn’t see him due to the fact that I had to catch a plane.
38.The policeman was walking where the accident took place.
39.He was surprised that I knew English.
40.The little girl was trembling as if she had seen a ghost.
41.ıt was clear that the room couldn’t hold all the candtates.
42.The shop where I had stopped was closed when I went back.
43.Unless it rains, we will go swimming.
44.While the girls were sewing, the boys were playing tennis.
45.You speak so quietly that I can’t hear what you say.
46.We went to the football match although it was raining.
47.There is nothing wrong with him, so far as I can see.
48.He had no sooner turned the corner of the street than he was attacked by a gang.
49.That he is absent-minded is no excuse.
50.What I heard was only a rumour.