Orthodontics is the correction of tooth abnormalities with special equipment.
and is the specialty of the dental industry, which diagnoses and controls the harmony of non-compliant and vertical teeth, attempts to prevent and treat them. Braces species
The type of tooth regulation depends on how strongly a jaw or tooth malposition is pronounced. A specialist decides whether the teeth are regulated by removable or fixed braces.
The main purpose of dental prosthesis; it allows the regaining of lost functions. Correction of impaired speech function and aesthetic appearance is provided by dental prosthesis.
Brackets – fixed braces The term “bracket” comes from the English language and means among other things “bracket”. Brackets are common fasteners for fixed braces and come in pronounced tooth malposition used. The orthodontist glues them (consisting of metal or ceramic) on the outside or inside of the tooth. Bonding with the tooth surface creates a starting point for moving the teeth. The patient himself can not remove the brackets.
External braces The visible archwire on the anterior teeth serves as the orientation plane of the arch form. This is how the teeth get into the right position. The orthodontic appliances generate pressure on the teeth so that they move until the ideal position is reached. The pressure is generated on the one hand by the brackets on the tooth surface itself as well as by the arch, which leads through all the brackets. A “ligature” that holds the arch in the bracket with an elastic material supports this process. For external brackets, there are also different colors depending on your personal aesthetic understanding.
Internal braces An externally invisible form of orthodontic therapy can be achieved with the Incognito-Lingual technique, which is especially popular with adults. Individually produced brackets are attached to the inside of the teeth. The teeth are then moved with individualized wires in the correct position.
Removable / removable braces Removable braces are one of the most popular forms and are often used during tooth growth. It consists of a plastic center piece, in which brackets are incorporated. The braces are close to the inside of the teeth and the jaw is stretched so gently. When designing the braces plate, there is a large selection of motifs and colors, so that children can actively participate. Adults often refrain from using color and prefer the “invisible braces”.
How long does a brace have to be worn?
The duration of the tooth regulation depends on the degree and type of malposition, the age of the patient and the type of regulation. This varies from case to case. Most orthodontic children’s treatments last 3-4 years. Smaller misalignments can be regulated in less time. Although the teeth can be put in the desired position relatively quickly, there is a risk that they will slip back just as quickly if they are not held in the right position for long enough.
How does the treatment work?
Before the actual treatment begins, the first consultation and diagnosis is carried out by an expert. For this purpose, the jaws, teeth and chewing function are thoroughly examined. This allows the attending physician to determine if orthodontic care is necessary. He then creates a treatment plan based on the patient’s individual needs and expectations.
Personal conversation: If there are several options for regulation, the doctor will explain the advantages and disadvantages of the respective method in a personal conversation and inform you about costs. Once the decision has been made for a specific brace, an appointment for individual impressions follows: Alginate impressions create a model of plaster that depicts the upper and lower jaw. For this, the patient is pressed a special shape on the teeth, in the previously a soft mass was filled, the so-called alginate. For young patients, there are several flavors of the mass, so the process is not too uncomfortable for you.