Significant amendments to ICSID Rules and Regulations were approved on 21 March 2022 and will enter into force on 1 July 2022

Recent Development

The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (“ ICSID “) amended its arbitration (“ Arbitration Rules “) and conciliation rules and established new standalone rules on mediation and fact-finding (together, “ Rules “). [1] The comprehensive amendments are the result of a five-year long process. The amendments to the Rules were approved by the majority of the ICSID member states on 21 March 2022 and will enter into force on 1 July 2022. The main purpose of the amendments is to make the Rules more accessible by modernizing and streamlining them, increasing the time and cost efficiency and reducing the environmental footprint of proceedings through the use of technology, as well as providing greater transparency. David Malpass, who is the President of the World Bank Group and the Chair of the ICSID Administrative Council, expressed the aim of the amendments as follows:

“The amended rules streamline procedures to enable greater access and speed, increase transparency, and enhance disclosures, with the ultimate goal of facilitating foreign investment for economic growth.”

Amendments to the Rules

This is the fourth and the most comprehensive amendment to the Rules in ICSID’s history. The most significant amendments can be categorized as amendments regarding: (i) the efficiency of proceedings; (ii) third-party funding; (iii) costs; (iv) constitution of the arbitral tribunal and disqualification of arbitrators; (v) transparency; (vi) provisional measures; and (vii) enabling broader access to the ICSID Additional Facility Rules.

Amendments Aimed at Increasing the Efficiency of the Proceedings

One of the main goals of the amendments was increasing the efficiency of the proceedings and there are multiple amendments serving this goal from different angles, some through amending existing rules whereas others bring entirely new provisions.

Third-Party Funding

Third-party funding was one of the more controversial issues during the amendment process, due to certain member states calling for a complete ban of the practice. However, the Arbitration Rules still enable third-party funding while imposing stricter disclosure requirements.


Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal and Disqualification of Arbitrators


Provisional Measures

Amendments to the ICSID Additional Facility Rules

Since the ICSID Convention’s scope is limited to disputes between member states and nationals of other member states, the ICSID Additional Facility Rules aim to broaden access to ICSID’s facilities and competence. With the new amendments, the scope of the ICSID Additional Facility Rules has been further expanded by (i) enabling their application to disputes where neither host state nor the investor are among member states; and (ii) enabling regional economic integration organizations, the most well-known example of which is the European Union, to access them.


The amendments to the Rules are the product of an ambitious and comprehensive project and include significant improvements, most notably aimed at reducing the time and cost of proceedings and achieving greater transparency. In time, practice will show how some of these amendments will be implemented and whether they will be successful. It is expected that ICSID will publish guidance notes on the Rules and their application in the upcoming months.

[1] You may access the English version of the amendment proposal here .