In recent years, people tend to consume organic produets. This new “organic” trend is spreading from sector to sector. We first noticed it in the food industry and then kept on seeing in other industries. Interestingly, we now have organic silk quilts and pillows. in order to gather detailed information on this subject, we arranged an interview vvith Beste Demirba, owner and founder of Silky Dreams brand.
Could you teli us about the history of your company?
We are a well known and respected company established 20 years ago. We located our dealers in Turkey’s most strategic points. Our company serves various sectors.
In Home Textile sector that we entered two years ago, we raised awareness for “healthy sleep”. We cali it an awareness project because thanks to our allergy expert’s recommendation on choosing silk bedding products for healthy sleep, we started silk quilt and pillovv production and actually we are using these products at our homes at the first place. This is how we decided to enter the sector.
There are lots of different quilts and plllows having various filling materials in the market.
Our principle is “Everyone deserves healthy and comfortable sleep.” We share our products with our customers inspiring them confidence and dedication and give advises on healthy sleep components ali the time. We are motivated by the positive feedback from our customers. They take the time to thank us and express their appreciation ıvhich makes them our willing and loyal envoys.
What is the importance of choosing healthy quilt and pillovv?
As you know, healthy and comfortable sleep makes the next day efficient. That’s why when we lack healthy sleep components, this in fact means that we unconsciously invite bed mites in our bedrooms. We shouldn’t say it’s just a quilt or a pillow. A person sleeps 8 hours a day on average, taking this as a fact, we pass one third of our lives in our beds. Therefore, choice of the products that touch our body has vital importance for our lives. A person who has dust or mite allergy, passes one third of his lifetime using a pillow and a quilt containing massive amounts of these mites. On average, in two years, 10% of your quilt and pillovv’s weight is filled with these highly allergenic mites. So, you have to choose anti-allergic or hypoallergenic, organic, light, high air permeable quilt that you can use four seasons. Products that are filled with microfiber, fiber, goose feather, wool ete. in the market unfortunately have one or two of these specifications. However, quilts and pillows filled with silk carry ali of these specifications along with high comfort and luxury costing affordable prices.
What is silk quilt, what kind of healthy specialties does it have?
Quilts are named after the filling materials they contain. For example, fiber filled quilts are called fiber quilt and cotton filled quilts are called cotton quilt. Thus, silk quilt is filled with 100% püre silk and it has 100% organic cotton cover. it is antibaeterial and antiallergenic as well.
Microscopic bed mites reşide in other type of quilts and unfortunately it is not possible to get rid of them even though they are vvashed regularly. These parasites eat skin cells found in human and animal living places. They cause asthma and bronchitis in humans. Silk contains a protein called “Sericin” vvhich eliminates microscopic parasites like mites to inhold in your silk quilt. That’s why silk is the only natural, anti allergic and anti bacterial product. Around the world silk quilt and pillow are the best choice for people having allergic rhinitis, asthma, bronchitis and for the ones in search of natural, luxury and anti allergenic home textile. Silk quilt is the only type of quilt that that does not contain bed mites and microscopic parasites for a lifetime.
Filling material of silk quilts is produced using “turnbuckle” method. Thanks to this method, micro air spaces are formed in the silk, and thus your quilt naturally breaths. it is known for sure that vvearing a lot of thin clothes keeps you warmer than vvearing one piece of very thick costume. Explanation of this fact is that air spaces are formed betvveen clothes. Silk fibers found on quilt breaths thanks to the micro air spaces in the, they keep you warm in vvinter like floss. Because of its unique feature, silk under vvears are vvorn to keep ıvarm in cold countries.
Could you give some information about your main product groups and production?
Silky Dreams Silk Quilts are of two different qualities. Gold quality ones are 100% hand made and silk fillings are produced vvith hand. Silver quality ones are produced by machines and therefore silk fillings are produced by machines. Both categories have double size, single size and kids’ size products. Also, pillovvs fit for both categories are in our product portfolio.
Our company does çare about product availability. For this reason, our inventory and production planning are made in order to satisfy high purchase requests. Our quilts and pillovvs are produced in accordance vvith international standard sizes. For the companies asking for products out of the international standards, we can deliver our products betvveen 2 or 3 months depending on product quantity and technical specifications.
Could you give us information on you target markets?
VVe are targeting Turkic Republics like Azerbaijan and Türkmenistan. We are receiving demands from those countries. We stili keep on negotiating in order to find the right investor.
When our healthy and comfortable products come together vvith silk’s luxury and softness, vve are confident that vve are going to repeat the success vve achieved in Turkey.
Is there anything you want to add about sector?
A search for organic products and a demand for them arose in ali sectors starting from food industry. Novv, people began to look for these types of products in home textile sector as vvell. Novv, customers are more avvare. People tend to look for anti allergenic products because allergenic and asthma like illnesses reached serious proportions. And vve believe that these demands vvill lead home textile sector in a very short time. As Silky Dreams, vve target our investments through these expectations.
Surrounding yourself from a hard day’s j work is much more satisfying if what vvaits in your bed is the welcoming grasp of your silk comforter…
Do yourself a favour and welcome Silky Dreams Silk Comforters to your bed for guality and healthy sleep. ..
Silky Dreams Silk Comforters are Grade A 100% silk, and they are naturally hypoallergenic. The Silk comforters are light but warm, soft but drapable, luxurious but affordable. With the trend towards healthy living, more and more people have chosen silk comforters as a healthier alternative to down.