A single embryo transfer is for a patient who has undergone the IVF process , and they’re now ready to have an embryo transfer back is when we transfer back just a single embryo into the uterus, and we add reproductive associates have committed to trying to do single embryo transfer as often as possible to lower our multiple pregnancy rates overall it’s safer for women and for babies born if they’re one at a time if you have a singleton pregnancy
An embryo transfer is the last step of the in vitro preparation (IVF) procedure.
During IVF, fertility drugs are utilized to stimulate the ovaries into releasing healthy eggs.
These eggs are taken from a lady’s ovaries and prepared in a lab. When the fertilized eggs have duplicated, the embryos are transferred to the lady’s uterus. For a pregnancy to start, the embryo must then attach itself to the wall of her womb or uterus.
The benefits of transferring one embryo at a time are multiple, so not only do you see benefits, I think per that cycle.
I’ll explain a little bit on that, but it’s also beneficial to book the mother and the child and of course the whole family unit I think when a when a woman is pregnant with a single baby at a time to expand on that first part of that answer, is we see that when we transfer a single embryo
at a time that every single embryo has its best chance of becoming a baby when it’s moved by itself and the way that we see this.
If you look at implantation rates which is the each individual’s embryos chance of becoming a baby or implanting inside of the uterus is highest when you do a single embryo transfer and that you can see that when we do a double embryo transfer, we only get a slight increase in the overall chance of pregnancy. Hence, the actual implantation rate goes down.
So one thing that I try to explain to patients is that, and when you put in these terms, it makes a lot of sense if you have two embryos, two good blastocyst day five embryos. You want the best chance possible for each one of those embryos to make it to a baby they have their best chance when they’re transferred one at a time we know that if you’re pregnant with twins or triplets that those pregnancies are much much higher risk than a singleton pregnancy. Hence, the risk of having preterm labor gestational diabetes hypertension is much much higher when you’re pregnant with multiples twins or triplets, and that risk is very stressful both on the mother’s health as well.
If we could set a framework where we can maintain excellent success rates with doing a single embryo transfer similar to what we’re doing here at reproductive associates 80% of well over 80% of our patients do single embryo transfer and with proper counseling and excellent education, it’s very acceptable to the majority of our patients. We have a very high success rate with that in women under the age of 35, more than 50% are going to get pregnant with this single embryo transfer.
If you add pre-implantation genetic screening to that process, then our overall implantation rates across all ages are well over 60 it’s well over 60% and is usually sixty-five percent, or above that’s for any age woman if you do pre-implantation genetic screening with a one embryo transfer, so those are very high success rates ongoing pregnancy rates are 55% and above with one embryo transfer.
Pregnancy rates have been examined all over the world there are some studies suggesting that if you put a single embryo in the pregnancy rates are as good as putting two, the multiple birth rate with twins is significantly higher when we put more than one embryo in there are other studies suggesting that pregnancy rates are lower particularly when you consider transferring an embryo on day two or three of the cycle when the embryo is allowed to grow for five days when it’s called a blastocyst a great blastocyst one compared to two seem to have the similar chance of achieving pregnancy the difference in the possibility of getting a twin pregnancy
if you do one versus two obviously if you put two embryos you could get two babies those multiple births rates to depend on which day the embryo was transferred for example if we go out to the blastocyst stage when the embryo is five days old the twin rate can go as high as 50% when you do two embryos on day three the typical rate of trouble births is around twenty to thirty percent now if you choose to do one embryo you still have a chance of twins.
One embryo can split into two identical twins in IVF is a little bit higher than nature and occur at a rate of somewhere between one and five percent there was also an interesting study out of Toronto that showed that if someone of the people that had an identical twin many had an A+ blood type.
Our Team at Sago IVF in Cyprus is comprised of a group of highly motivated individuals and professionals from various fields who all work together and are all dedicated to providing you with the necessary support to make your dream of having a baby become reality.