Starting with the opening ceremony, we had the chance to listen to many professionals and their speeches on our theme. After the welcome speech of our director Mrs. Hermine Ridé, and our Turkish deputy director Mrs. Mina Akcen, we listened to the speeches of the experts.
As the English MUN club we invited Mr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram and listened to his splendid speech. Mr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Professor Emeritus, former UN official and former Director of FAO, delivered a speech in English tracing the history of the UN and emphasizing the need for inclusion and equality between countries.
Mr. Güney Okumuş , researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles spoke to the students to tell them about the functioning of international organizations.
We were honored by the presence of Mr. Olivier Gauvin , Consul General of France in Istanbul, and Mr. Vincent Brousse , Cooperation Attaché for French at the French Institute. They congratulated the students for their many cultural and social activities that support Francophonie. It was absolutely a great honor to start our conference in such an informative way. After the opening ceremony, we immediately started work in committees.
As the english MUN club , we had three different committees this year, which have all worked so effectively and professionally. We must thank them for their fruitful debates. These committees were “security council”, “human rights committee” and “historical committee”.
In the security council, we had so much fun. Even though we had a very heavy and complex conflict as our subject, the delegates all managed to keep up and engage with the debate. We also had so many fun moments in between our formal debate times. Overall, every delegate of the Security Council is appraised for their hard work and amazing dynamic. The english SC also had the opportunity to hear the speech from Quentin Tayfun Levet, which was very informative. The delegates also had many questions that were answered by the guest speaker. Mr Levet is a delegate who worked in real Security Council of UN, so his speech about the general functioning of the SC was very illuminating and informative about the current state of world. Also, the interaction between us and Mr Levet gave our committee an idea of what we would encounter in a real SC meeting to both our participants and to us, the chairs.
In the human rights committee, even though the delegates weren’t familiar with the MUN procedure they tried their best by coming up with solutions for the main topic and debating throughout the sessions. They were very enthusiastic and therefore we had so much fun during the sessions.
In the historical committee, all the delegates and also us, the chairs had so much fun while rewriting history. Their agenda item wasn’t an easy one but they worked really hard and wrote many strategic directives/ war plans to win. The debate was always fruitful and nearly all delegates managed to keep up perfectly. Usage and thought of innovative and creative strategies made us think whether we have real generals in the room or not. Also the times of crisis were really fun plus they were a challenge for the delegates. In conclusion, this year’s historical committee was phenomenal because of our delegates and their hard work.
All resolutions written in committees are available on the SPMUN website .
At the end we made a little ceremony to sum up the conference as a whole. Firstly, we listened to the speech of our beloved Turkish headmistress Mina Akçen. Then, we heard about the summaries of each English and French committee plus the chairs of each committee told us their choices of best delegates and honorable mentions. Afterwards, we watched a chaotic video which had been prepared by the English MUN club. At the end we listened to the speeches of our secretary general and our club president. All in all this was a marvelous experience and it was a great closure for such a conference.
Here are the best delegates of SPMUN’22
Best delegate: Akay Ç. “Russia”
Honorable mentions: Ogan G. “Hungary”, Turgay E. “Ukraine”, Kağan S. “Poland”, Aidan Can E. “Australia”.
Best delegate: Nehir K. “Germany”
Outstanding delegate: Bahar Ö. “Russia”
It was impossible for us to choose only 2-3 people for best delegate and honorable mentions. Most of our delegates contributed to our fun and exciting committee. But if we were to mention our “best” delegates, then they would be;
Çağrı D. “Hernan Cortés”, Selen G. “Pedro de Alvarado”, Defne A. “Cuahtémoc”,
Emir D. “Cosijopii I”, Efe S. “Cuitlahuac” and Yankı Y. “Moctezuma II”.
To be in Club MUN’s next year, all those who wished to be in MUN clubs must have participated in SPMUN’22. Also if you want to join MUN next year , we invite you to fill out the form and then send your motivation letter to Madame Günce Demirhisar ( [email protected] ), the advisor of both the English and French MUN clubs. In your motivation letter, you must explain the reasons that motivate you to join the club. If you want to join the English MUN Club, the letter must be in English. If you want to join the French MUN Club, the letter must be in french. The letter shouldn’t be more than 350 words. You have to send your letters to Madame Günce by the 24th of June at 17.00.
With a lot of gratitude, we thank all the people who contributed to our conference SPMUN’22 and made it unforgettable for all of us. Thanks to the communication and IT departments as well as to all the workers of the school who helped us throughout the preparation and the implementation.
And we end this article by saying, we will see you at SPMUN’23 fellow MUN’ers.