Stroke Disease

Stroke Disease

What is an Ischemic Stroke ( Cerebral and cerebellar infarction)?

An ischemic stroke is the appearance of a circulatory disorder in the brain as a result of blockage of blood vessels supplying the brain for any reason. With sudden onset in patients with stroke, symptoms occur according to the affected brain region. These symptoms can be speech impairment, visual impairment, loss of strength in one arm and leg, loss of strength on one side of the face, dizziness, nausea vomiting and, in more advanced cases, loss of consciousness. In patients admitted to the emergency department within the first 4 hours, the treatment of opening the blocked vessel can be applied. For patients who are admitted to health centers later, supportive treatments are applied to keep patients alive and drug treatments are applied to help injured brain cells recover. In patients whose stroke treatment has been completed, the cause is tried to be determined by examinations for the cause of the stroke, and secondary preventive therapy is applied to prevent the development of stroke again. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are performed in patients for permanent functional disorders such as paralysis, balance and gait disorders. ​

What are the Causes of Ischemic Stroke?

The most common causes are smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart rhythm disorders. Low birth weight, male gender and family history of stroke also increase the risk of stroke. In addition, there are many genetic, metabolic and infectious diseases associated with stroke. Detecting and treating these factors at an early stage may reduce the risk of stroke. In patients admitted to the emergency department within the first 4 hours, the treatment of opening the blocked vessel can be applied. For patients who are admitted to health centers later, supportive treatments are applied to keep patients alive and drug treatments are applied to help injured brain cells recover. In patients whose stroke treatment has been completed, the cause is tried to be determined by examinations for the cause of the stroke, and secondary preventive therapy is applied to prevent the development of stroke again. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are performed in patients for permanent functional disorders such as paralysis, balance and gait disorders. ​

What is a Hemorrhagic Stroke ( Brain Hemorrhage)?

Hemorrhages inside the skull are named according to the location of the bleeding, and the causes and treatment methods of these hemorrhages have different characteristics. The most common type is bleeding into the brain tissue ( intraparanchymal). Depending on the area of bleeding, symptoms such as different degrees of speech impairment, strokes, loss of sensation, double vision, dizziness, balance disorder, impaired consciousness and epileptic seizures occur. The most common cause of bleeding into brain tissue is hypertension, in addition to arteriovenous malformations, amlioid angiopathy, alcohol and substance abuse, blood clotting disorders can be considered as many causes. While epidural and subdural hemorrhages occur due to traumas, the most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage is considered to be the bursting of bubbles( aneurysms) formed in the veins. Urgent medical intervention is required in patients with bleeding, the localization of bleeding, its size are important features that determine the forms of treatment. In patients admitted to the emergency department within the first 4 hours, the treatment of opening the blocked vessel can be applied. For patients who are admitted to health centers later, supportive treatments are applied to keep patients alive and drug treatments are applied to help injured brain cells recover. In patients whose stroke treatment has been completed, the cause is tried to be determined by examinations for the cause of the stroke, and secondary preventive therapy is applied to prevent the development of stroke again. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are performed in patients for permanent functional disorders such as paralysis, balance and gait disorders. ​