Textile İs Lucratie As Water Sami Oney

Continuing its activities since 2006 such as velvet & chenille, upholstery fabrics and velvet for background curtain production with its experience for över half a century, Soney Textile exports its products under Velluto brand primarily to Middle East markets and to European and Russian markets.
We conducted a pleasant interview with Dil_at öney, Brand Manager of the Firm, and Samet Öney ıvho has been newly elected as the chairman of textile and clothing committee for the Marmara Businessmen Association (MASIAD).
Would you înform about establishment and current situation of Soney?
A- Establishment of our firm goes back to 6 years ago

As for before, our history in the textile sector stems from vvorking at our grandfather business in the textile sector. So, I have come nowadays vvorking at my grandfather since 1974 up to the 1980s. After 1980, we had established our own firm as two partners. Lasting our partnership for 25 years, then we have established our own firm.
What would you like to teli about the product kinds and capacity of Soney?
Our firm’s production capacity is thirty thousand sq meters, but we can be able to increase this up to fifty thousand sq meters. Hovvever our aim is not to rise by high meters, making higher in quality product being able to seli upper levels, shortly to work as boutique. I can say that there

How do you see today and future of the sector?

As long as the construction businesses continue, I think it is not possible the textile sector to finish. If the construction sector is very strong in a country, other sectors also grovv follovving it. For this reason armchair and curtain businesses are must for every home.

How did the year 2011 past? What are your expectations for 2012?

I cannot say that 2011 and first half of 2012 are very productive. We have experienced troubles due to not to reflect the price increases of cotton and polyester on our products. I did not lose my hope at ali. As long as you make true vvorks, your vvorks vvould continue in a very

is wide product range of ours. in upholstery group, plain/jacquard velvets, chenille fabrics… As for the background curtain group, there are dazzling qualified products due to high R & D activity; embroideries, prints, Swarovsk stones on velvet…
What is the most important feature which separates you from your competitors?
We reveal products in upholstery fabric and curtains with very high R & D activities. Together with this, our products that we make are followed in the market. Frankly, I think being counterfeited and replicated is a pleasing thing. Because, while someone is replicating your products, you had set sail to the new horizons a long time ago. The important thing is to make a thing by considering. We, as the firm, çare to design products to which we add our innovation.
Ms Dilsad, would you inform us about branding work as being
responsible for branding activities?
We have wished to participate in the two fairs in two different countries
this year; one on 27-30 June in Lagos, Nigeria and the other one on 28-30
August in Shanghai, by thinking a crucial step on behalf of branding. in order
to leave a trace, after shootings professionally the products, vve have done
catalogue, advertisement and promotion works. As an innovation, we offer our products to customers within packages vvhich reflect quality and chicness of the products not within the round bags.
What is your opinion for the domestic market?
We would like to öpen stores in the domestic market. While doing this we aim to öpen store in the Laleli market, istanbul, vvhich is the biggest öpen fair venue of Turkey. If you vvould like to vvork with the world no doubt you must be in the Laleli market.
How about your export activities?
When I was leaving the firm of vvhich I was partner for 25 years, actually I had a customer portfolio. Thankfully that being able to leave good impressions that they have continued to vvork vvith us under Velluto istanbul brand. As for the countries we export, there are Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia and some African countries.good vvay. Primarily, if vve attach importance to vvork hard, be honest and R & D studies, I hope upcoming years vvould pass better.

VVould you like to add something?
Textile is a vvell; as long as you dig you explore vvater. If you do not dig, that vvell vvould be drying. it is possible to make up nevv things every day, every moment. VVithout making concession from quality, I consider that good vvorks vvill emerge. This is my modestly advice to our sector…