The First Regulation on Mutual Agreement Procedure in Turkey!

The Law No. 7338 on Certain Amendments on Tax Procedural Law and Certain Laws (“Law No. 7338”), published in the Official Gazette dated October 26, 2021, introduced the first regulations on mutual agreement procedures (“MAP”), provided under double tax treaties, in Turkey. These regulations, involving provisions ranging from how to apply for MAP to the effects of that application on the periods for filing a lawsuit, aims to clarify uncertainties regarding MAP and ensure the effective use of MAP for cross-border taxation transactions.

New Development

The Law No. 7338 introduced a new section entitled “ Mutual Agreement Procedure ” in the Tax Procedural Law No. 213 (“ TPL “). The provisions introduced within this section are as follows:

Application Procedure for MAP

Conclusion of the MAP and Certain Matters

Effects of an Application for MAP on Filing a Lawsuit or a Previous Application for Reconciliation


MAP needed further regulation under the Turkish tax law despite being provided under double tax treaties. The provisions introduced with the Law No. 7338 shed light on uncertain and disputed matters regarding the MAP. The provisions are expected to ensure that MAP will become a more effective and common method in Turkish tax practice.