The Union of Turkish Bar Associations Arbitration Center Rules and Tariff of Costs and Fees Entered into Force

Recent Development

Arbitration Rules (“ Rules “) [1] and Tariff of Costs and Fees (“ Scale “) [2] of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations (“ UTBA “) Arbitration Center (“ Center “), which was founded in 2015, entered into force pursuant to the decision taken during the board meeting on 19 February 2022. Arbitration rules and tariff of costs and fees, both of which were previously part of the UTBA Directive dated 2020 (“ Directive “), are made into separate documents and many new provisions are regulated under the Rules. As such, the UTBA established the Rules, which are in compliance with the standards of other most preferred arbitration centers in Turkey and the arbitration practice around the world.

Amendments to the Rules and Significant Provisions

The most significant amendment to the Rules, which is regulated under article 2, is that the Center is no longer restricted to resolving disputes arising out of the attorney-client relationships. Accordingly, the scope of the Center’s services will now cover all types of national and international disputes. This change is a great step forward in the Center’s efforts to earn a place among the other arbitration centers in Turkey by moving away from a restricted service scope, namely, resolving disputes arising out of attorneyship agreements and attorney-client relationships. Further to this significant amendment on the scope, the Rules have been amended and modernized to ensure the Center serves to resolve all kinds of commercial disputes.

The Rules have been brought up to the standard of rules of leading arbitration centers by amending the provisions of the Directive and adding new ones to provide fast, efficient and flexible proceedings as evident from the significant provisions listed below:


Another domestic arbitration institution has adopted a set of rules which are in compliance with the standards of international arbitration practice with the Rules published by the UTBA. As such, the Center has risen as a new alternative arbitration institution to resolve disputes and pledged to enable resolution of disputes in a short time frame, with a three-month duration of arbitration. The future will show the place that the Rules will take in Turkish arbitration practice.

[1] You may access the Rules, in Turkish, here .

[2] You may access the Scale, in Turkish, here .