Turkish DPA Publishes Recommendations on Protection of Personal Data in the Artificial Intelligence Field

Recent Development

On 15 September 2021, the Personal Data Protection Authority (DPA) published Recommendations on the Protection of Personal Data in the Field of Artificial Intelligence (“ Recommendations “). The Recommendations include advice for the protection of personal data for developers, manufacturers, service providers and decision-makers operating in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). (Turkish version available here .)

What Do the Recommendations Day?

The Recommendations consists of three sections: (i) general recommendations; (ii) recommendations for developers, manufacturers and service providers; and (iii) recommendations for decision-makers. The DPA underlines that developments and practices in the AI field should respect fundamental rights and freedoms and protect the human rights of its users. The main recommendations from each section are as follows:

General recommendations

Recommendations for developers, manufacturers and service providers

Recommendations for decision makers


As the AI practices develop consistently, the protection of personal data in such practices has become a matter of importance. With the recommendations, the DPA intends to guide the developers and decision-makers through their practices in the AI field.