Turkish National Artificial Intelligence Strategy Published

Recent Development

The National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (“ Strategy “), which was prepared by the Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey (DTO) and the Ministry of Industry and Technology in line with the Eleventh Development Plan and Presidential Annual Programs, was published on 24 August 2021. The Strategy determines the measures for Turkey’s artificial intelligence (AI) strategy for 2021-2025. (The Turkish text of the Strategy is available here .)

What Does the Strategy State?

The Strategy sets out both the principles in the AI field and the organizational plans and development goals in the AI field in Turkey, as follows:

In addition to the above, different governance mechanisms are planned within the scope of the Strategy. It is set out that a National Artificial Intelligence Strategy Board (“ Board “) will be established. Further, establishing an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem Advisory Group — consisting of representatives from the private sector, academia and nongovernmental organizations to provide advice to the Board — is also among the plans. In addition, it is anticipated that a Public Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem and Sectoral Co-Development Laboratories will be established, whose mechanisms will be supported by an Artificial Intelligence Project Management Guide and Maturity Model, which will be prepared.


The AI field has become subject to recent legislative and organizational developments on a global scale. Many jurisdictions have determined and taken steps to implement AI strategies. Following up on the Strategy will be of importance for the future possible regulations Turkey may enact on this matter