What amendments does the Regulation on Collective Management Organizations introduce?

Pursuant to Presidential Decision No. 5405, the “Regulation on Collective Management Organizations” (“ Regulation ”) was published in Official Gazette No. 31802 dated 7 April 2022 and entered into force. The legal basis for the Regulation is Article 42 of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“ Copyright Law ”) No. 5846, titled “Creation of Collective Management Organizations.”

Recent development

In line with the publication of the Regulation in the Official Gazette dated 7 April 2022 and its entry into force, a presidential decision which repealed the “By-Law on Collective Management Organizations and Federations of Authors of Intellectual and Artistic Works and Related Right Holders” (“ By-Law ”) and “Type Status of Collective Management Organizations of Authors of Intellectual and Artistic Works and Related Right Holders” was published in the said Official Gazette. The Regulation, prepared to replace the aforementioned By-Law which sought reducing paperwork and adapting to technological developments, aims to make collective management organizations more effective and transparent in accordance with the changes made in the Copyright Law and other relevant legislation, national developments in the copyright system that will affect the functioning of collective management organizations and international developments, especially the EU Directive 2014/26/EU on “Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights and Multi-Territorial Licensing of Rights in Musical Works for Online Use in the Internal Market.” The Regulation foresees the establishment and functioning of collective management organizations of authors, related right holders and book publishers, membership regimes, relationships between collective management organizations and their members and users, distribution of royalties and compensations and other procedures and principles. As one of the most important amendments introduced by the Regulation, the procedures and principles regarding the creation and functioning of the federations, which were not regulated under the By-Law in detail, are regulated thoroughly.

What are the main amendments introduced by the Regulation?

  1. General assembly
  2. Board of directors
  3. Supervisory board
  4. Technical-scientific committee
  5. Dignity board

Collective management organizations can also form optional bodies, but it is not possible to transfer the duties, powers and responsibilities of mandatory bodies to optional bodies.


The Regulation, which was published in Official Gazette No. 31802 dated 7 April 2022, introduces amendments to matters such as the creation and structure of collective management organizations, membership principles and distribution of royalties. The Regulation reregulated the conditions for membership and expulsion from membership, authorized the collective management organizations to determine membership types based on certain objective criteria and to regulate the right to elect and be elected according to these membership types and introduced provisions which oblige collective management organizations’ activities to be conducted in accordance with the principles of efficiency, participation, transparency and accountability. In addition, other matters such as the royalty distribution procedure, relationships between collective management organizations, users and other organizations, complaint processes, membership disputes, inspection and termination of collective management organizations have been reregulated considering both the relevant EU Directive and relevant domestic legislation.