What Do the Recent Amendments to the Customs Regulation Bring?

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The Ministry of Trade (“ Ministry “) amended the Customs Regulation (“ Regulation “) regarding certain regulations such as declaration with exceptional value, delivery of goods, incomplete declaration and supplementary declaration in the export regime, and goods that can be stored in warehouses. The Ministry regulated the simplified statement within the scope of the authorized sender authority.

New Development

The Ministry amended the Regulation on 25 May 2022. Within the scope of the amendments, simplified statement with the authorized sender has been regulated and regulations on the declaration with exceptional value, delivery of goods, incomplete declaration and supplementary declaration in the export regime and goods that can be stored in the warehouse, the opening and operation permit for the warehouse, the pricing of the analysis carried out in the customs laboratories, the companies established by the authorized customs consultants and analysis pricing have been amended.

The amendments are available here (in Turkish).

What’s New?

The main amendments introduced to the Regulation are as follows:


The amendments to the Regulation introduced significant amendments to the customs law. The provisions on simplified and supplemental declaration will enter into force on 25 June 2022. Importers, exporters and other stakeholders should closely follow these developments.