What Kind of Amendments Does the Bill Dated 16 November 2021 Envisage in the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works Numbered 5846?

The Bill on the Amendment of Certain Laws (“ Bill “) was brought to the attention of the Presidency of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 16 November 2021. The Bill, which consists of 38 articles in total, envisages making significant changes to several laws, including the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works numbered 5846 (“ Law “).

Recent development

The Bill submitted to the Presidency of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 16 November 2021 envisages a provision that will completely amend Article 72 of the Law titled “2. Preparation Actions Which Aim at Circumventing Protective Programs.” The said amendment is foreseen in Article 1 of the Bill, which aims to include all works, performances, phonograms, productions and publications within the scope of Article 72 of the Law and to extend the scope of criminal liability in the relevant article as well. In addition, according to the preamble of the Bill, the said amendment aims to harmonize Article 72 of the Law with the EU directive numbered 2001/29/AT.

What alterations does the Bill envisage in Article 72 of the Law?


The Bill dated 16 November 2021 aims to redraw the boundaries of criminal liability by expanding the scope of the acts stipulated in Article 72 of the Law. The Bill envisages the inclusion of all works, performances, phonograms, productions and broadcasts in this article, which imposes sanctions on preparatory actions aimed at rendering protective programs provided for computer programs ineffective. Therefore, if the Bill is accepted, the scope of criminal liability and, simultaneously, the scope of protection, will be expanded.