I read the papers and I follow the news; and it is scary. “Died suddenly” has officially become obituary-speak for “another young person found dead from a drug overdose.” James Scribner holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.
The chances of this person requesting help are slim and the situation will worsen over time, just coping with an addict won’t benefit anyone. They could be fired from their job, be arrested or even die. Leave the past behind; do not long for the “good old days.” Your future with your loved one will look completely different from the past.
Addiction is chronic and progressive, and without professional help or some form of intervention, it becomes worse and never better. Do Not allow yourself to be the cause of their problems – The addict runs around with their blame thrower on full blast at all times. Allowing yourself to feel bad feeds their justification that everything and everyone else is the problem.
Given the complexity of addiction, this disease can impact everyone differently. In other words, symptoms and issues for some may look wildly different for others. However, it’s important to assess the gravity and intensity of addiction that one may be facing. Alcohol abuse, for example, poses serious risk factors and consequences for children and may contribute greatly to potential PTSD risks and other mental health issues. In addition, loving an addict emotional and physical abuse occurs frequently where one or more members of a household is facing an ongoing substance abuse problem. In these instances, it’s important to seek help and/or explore treatment options to help a loved one find assistance for overcoming their addiction. However, if this is not a possibility, it’s extremely important to protect oneself from the harm that can come from being in a relationship with an addict.
Being in love with a drug addict also places you at a higher risk of becoming an addict yourself. Loving a drug addict can be consuming as you try to “fix them” in any way possible. More than falling addicted to the drugs or substances they abuse, people fall addicted to trying to fix them and help them, losing sight of their health and mental wellness. Of course, this doesn’t mean drug addicts are incapable of love. Love is one of the critical elements in helping someone quit drugs. Ideally, showing compassion for the addict you love will help them to understand the effects of their addiction.
Overcoming Love Addiction: One Apple Martini at a Time.
Posted: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 07:00:00 GMT [ source ]
I am not greedy I just don’t want my hard-earned money to go to drugs I hate. Looking back, I think the first sign for me (I didn’t know it was a sign) was him needing money when his payroll checks were $3,000 plus bi-weekly. I just thought his bills were still behind because of the bad accident he had in June of 2021. Then there was the runny nose, I thought it was sinuses.