1 – YTÜ
Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı
( Bireysel Özel – Y
TÜ Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı
2 – Y
TÜ Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı
( 4 kişilik Grup – Y
TÜ Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı
1 – YTÜ Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı ( Bireysel Özel – YTÜ Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı ) :
YTÜ Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık
derslerinin özel olarak teke tek verildiği
Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık
programlarına katılan öğrenciler, sınavın tüm özelliklerinin ve çözüm tekniklerinin içinde yer aldığı
YTÜ Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık
eğitimleri ile sınavlara hazırlanır.
2 – Y
TÜ Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı
( 4 kişilik Grup – Y
TÜ Üniversitesi Proficiency Sınavı
YTÜ Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık
verilen özel eğitim bölümlerinde organize edilen
Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık
derslerinde, öğrencilere 4 kişiden oluşturulan sınıflarda, taşıdığı tüm özellik ve nitelikleri ile daima öğrencinin yanında olan ve sınavın çözüm tekniklerinin bir bir açıklandığı bilgilerle yüklü
YTÜ Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık
programlarının uzman hocaların gözetiminde uygulanması ile sınavda başarı gelir.
YTÜ Proficiency Sınavı Hazırlık programları aracılığı ile Proficiency sınavında güvenilir ve deneyimli eğitmenlerin ellerinden ve onların gözetiminde eğitim alarak başarılı olabilirsiniz. Proficiency Akademik Eğitim Proficiency sınavında başarının odak noktası olmakla gurur duyar. Yılların eğitim tecrübesi ile öğrencileri bu sınavda başarıya ulaştırmak bizim için artık kolay bir çözüm haline geldi. Bu kolaylıktan sizde yararlanarak PROFICIENCY de sizde başarılı olabilirsiniz.
A. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Hazırlık Atlama ( Proficiency ) Sınav İçeriği
B. Örnek Sorular Sınavın Gramer bölümünü başarmak için; öğrencilerin
YTÜ Proficiency sınavı hazırlığında
akademik seviyedeki bir gramer kitabını tam olarak bitirmeleri
Proficiency sınavını başarmanın ilk basamağıdır.
Proficiency sınavının Vocabulary (Kelime Bilgisi) soruları için öğrencilerin akademik seviyede kelime bilgisine sahip olmaları işin özüdür . Kelime bilgisini değişik tekniklerle geliştirmek olasıdır. Bu tekniklerden biri sınava ait kelime listelerini özümsemektir. Bu sözcük listeleri genellikle sınavda daha önceki yıllarda çıkmış sorulardan alınmış ve toplanmıştır. Bir çok sınavın belli kelimeler üzerine odaklandığı ve bu kelimeleri sorduğu göz önünde bulundurularsa bu çalışmanın faydalı olacağı kaçınılmaz bir gerçektir.. Ne var ki, bu çeşit listeleri ezberlemek vede özümsemek kısa vadede Proficiency sınavının yalnızca sözcüklerle ilgili sorularını yanıtlamada etkin olabilmekte, ama öğrenciye uzun sürede kalıcı bir kelime haznesi geliştirmede yardımcı olamamaktadır. Kelime bilgisini geliştirmede en akılcı davranış öğrencinin bol ve sürekli okuma yapması ve öğreneceği sözcükleri ve kelimeleri okuduğu parçalardan çıkarmasıdır. Sözcüklerin bir cümle içinde mana kazanarak öğrenildiği takdirde akılda kaldığı çok iyi bilinen bir gerçektir.
Ayrıca, Proficiency sınavının önceki yıllarda çıkmış Reading Comprehension (Okuduğunu Anlama) bölümlerindeki metinlerde öğrenilecek kelime ve sözcükleri çıkarmak için çok faydalı ve doğru kaynaklardır. Kelime haznesini geliştirici çalışmalar yapılırken göz ardı edilmemesi gereken bir diğer konu da kullanılacak sözlüktür. Her ne kadar kolay ve yararlı gibi bir etki yaratsa da öğrenciler İngilizce-Türkçe sözlükler kullanmaktan olabildiğince uzak durmalııdır. İngilizce’den İngilizce’ye sözlüklerin yanı sıra mutlaka Thesaurus (Eş anlamlılae Sözlüğü) de kullanılmalıdır, çünkü pek çok kelime sorusu eşanlamlı sözcükleri sormak üzere hazırlanmıştır.
Proficiency sınavının Reading Comprehension (Okuduğunu Anlama) kısmında başarılı olabilmek için öğrencilerden okudukları parçayı çok iyi anlamaları ve yorumlamaları beklenir.. Ayrıca Reading Comprehension kısmında öğrencilere Vocabulary soruları da sorulmaktadır. Bu bölüme hazırlanan öğrencilerin temel unsur olarak genel okuma alışkanlıklarının olması gerekmektedir. Pek çok sınavda verilen okuma metinleri en az birkaç paragraftan oluşur ve öğrencilerden belirli bir zaman içerisinde bu metinleri okuyup soruları cevaplamaları istenir. Genel okuma alışkanlığı olmayan öğrenciler metinleri okumakla çok zaman kaybettikleri için çoğunlukla bu bölümde verilen zamanın yeterli olmadığından yakınırlar .Genel okuma alışkanlığını kazanmak için en az bir öğrencinin en az 3 ay süreyle düzenli okuma yapması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma öğrenciye her şeyden önce kendi anadilinden farklı bir dilde yazılmış parçalara göz aşinalığı ve hızlı okuma alışkanlığı kazandıracaktır. Okumak için seçilen parçalar sınavda çıkan konular arasından olduğu takdirde de öğrenci sınavdaki çıkması ihtimal dahilinde olan metin içerikleri için altyapı geliştirmiş olacaktır. Örneğin, feza hakkında okunmuş bir parçadan elde edilen genel kültür ve kavram bilgisi sınavda feza ile ilgili çıkan bir parçanın daha kolay anlaşılmasını mümkün kılacaktır..
Proficiency sınavının Writing (Yazma) bölümünde puanlama öğrencinin doğru dil bilgisi kullanımı, doğru sözcük ve kelime seçimi ve iyi organize edilmiş tutarlı argümanlarla ana fikri destekleme özelliği taşımasına göre yapıldığı için, başarılı olmak isteyen öğrencilerin her şeyden önce ileri düzey İngilizce dil bilgisinde bilgilerini kullanabilme yeteneğine sahip olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle Writing (Yazma) becerilerini geliştirmek isteyen öğrenciler dil bilgisindeki temel cümle yapılarıyla yetinmeyip, kompleks cümle yapılarını (Noun Clauses, Adjective Clauses ve Adverb Clauses) hatasız kullanabilecek düzeyde bilmeleri hayati bir öneme sahiptir.. Öğrenciler yalnızca ileri düzey bir gramer kitabını bitirmekle yetinmeyip, pek çok akademik yazma kitabının içinde bulunan ve karmaşık cümle yapılarının çalıştırıldığı alıştırmaları da gözden geçirmeleri onların yararına olacaktır. Kelime ve ifadelerin seçiminde basitleri yerine akademik olarak daha sık kullanılan ifade ve kelimeler özellikle seçilmelidir. Öğrencilerin akademik kelime bilgisini geliştirici çalışmalar yaparken yeni öğrendikleri sözcükleri kompozisyonlarında kullanmaya çalışmaları hem kompozisyonlarının sözcük kullanımı açısından iyi notlar almasını hem de yeni öğrendikleri sözcükleri uzun dönem hafızalarına kazınmasına yol açması açısından çok faydalı olacaktır.
YTU, SFL, Basic English Department 2003-2004 Academic Year Group (A) FINAL EXAM 1 For questions 1 – 68 choose the correct option to fill each space. (1 pt each)
1. Jim Henson, the creator of Sesame Street, wanted to make education more ………………… for children and to help them broaden their experience. Both children and the majority of adults enjoyed his shows and he was one of the most …………………-respected puppeteers of his generation.
a) enjoy / high b) enjoyment / higher c) enjoyable / highly d) enjoying / highest
2. I have been ………… a lot of money lately on things I don’t really need. I usually spend all my income and don’t ………… any money for a rainy day. As a result, I now can’t ………… my monthly car instalment.
a) spending / save / pay b) paying / afford / save c) wasting / pay / afford d) saving / pay / afford
3. Sheila got a twenty percent ………………… when she bought her vacuum cleaner during the sales.
a) tax b) bill c) fine d) discount
4. By the time he had finished work and returned home, he was absolutely ………………… .
a) exhausted b) tired c) petrified d) weak
5. The road sign ………………… that there is a sharp bend ahead.
a) announces b) indicates c) notices d) instructs
6. Mr Johnson, who is ………………… the company’s marketing department, has a very stressful job.
a) in search of b) in charge of c) on top of d) in common with
7. Jack ………………… Jill, by demanding $ 10,000, so that he wouldn’t reveal her secret.
a) blackmailed b) bribed c) kidnapped d) assassinated
8. The death penalty is ………………… a barbaric practice by most people.
a) considered b) predicted c) appreciated d) meant
9. Peter is not ………….. he used to be; he hasn’t got …………… much enthusiasm …………… he once had.
a) as / so / as b) like / as / as c) as / so / that d) like / as / that
10. After ten hours of questioning, Robert ………………… stealing all the money from the safe.
a) reminded b) agreed c) admitted d) informed
11. Many adults spend the largest part of their ………………… on accommodation; but while some actually buy a flat or house, others prefer to rent one. Buying one’s home used to be a sensible ………………… as most people made a good profit when they sold it.
a) payment / winnings b) interest / income c) salary / earnings d) income / investment
12. Terry is fundamentally a very strong person, so you can be sure she will soon ………………… the disappointment of her marriage breakdown.
a) make up b) look up c) get over d) get away with
13. Being the owner of the company, I first had doubts about him when he started working here, but now I am pleased to say that he has ………………… to be a talented executive.
a) taken up b) turned out c) broken through d) taken over
14. Many people wish they ………………… a job that paid as well as Harold’s, so if they heard him complain about it, they probably ………………… much sympathy for him.
a) had / wouldn’t have b) had had / wouldn’t have had c) had had / won’t have d) had / wouldn’t
YTU, SFL, Basic English Department 2003-2004 Academic Year Group (A) FINAL EXAM 2 This is the text of a speech made by Professor J.Henry Bright at South State University last Friday.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, We are gathered here today to celebrate a commencement, not just an ending of this stage of yourstudies. True, you ….(15)…. your academic programs. Congratulations! And now consider the word commencement. “To commence” means “to begin”, and now the rest of your life is beginning. At this time last year what were you doing?You ….(16)…. your semester examinations, and you were probably looking forward to the end of your college studies. And a year from now, what do you think ….(17)….? Some of you will be in school again, studying for a more advanced degree. Many of you ….(18)…. in your chosen areas and will feel far away from the happy days of college. I know a woman who began college rather late in life – at the age of forty-five. Before this time she ….(19)…. as a secretary in an accountant’s office. While she was working, her boss, the accountant noticed what a quick and eager mind she ….(20)…., and he encouraged her to apply to the university and finally to attend. At first, she resisted the idea. She ….(21)…. all day long and used to be so tired at night that she would fall into bed right after dinner. Last year she entered an M.B.A. program, and she is graduating next February. She already has a job in a top accounting firm beginning right after she ….(22)….. . By the time she ….(23)…. her degree, she ….(24)…. a six-year academic life. When you are forty-five, you too ….(25)…. opportunities to continue to improve yourselves. Take advantage of those opportunities! Keep the spirit of accomplishment alive. Congratulations, graduates!
a) have finished b) had finished c) were finishing d) finish
a) have just finished c) had just finished b) have just been finishing c) had just finished d) would just finish
a) you will be doing b) you are doing c) will you be doing d) are you doing
a) will work b) has worked c) would work d) will be working
a) has worked b) had been working c) has been working d) works
a) was having b) has c) had d) had had
a) had been working b) had worked c) has been working d) was working
a) graduates b) will be graduating c) will graduate d) is graduating
a) will get b) is going to get c) gets d) is getting
a) will have completed b) will be completing c) will complete d) is completing
a) have had b) have c) are having d) will have
26. No one ………………… to leave the exam room before every student had handed in his / her paper.
a) had been let b) was allowed c) had allowed d) was let
27. He got an excellent grade in his examination ………….. the fact that he had not worked particularly hard.
a) on account of b) because of c) in spite of d) although
28. In the end, we ………………… to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
a) had not rushed b) should have rushed c) mustn’t rush d) needn’t have rushed
29. He has put the answer phone on in case anyone …..
YTU, SFL, Basic English Department 2003-2004 Academic Year Group (A) FINAL EXAM 3 30. Life expectancy in the third world is relatively short, ………………… in the western world it has increased significantly. a) whereas b) unlike c) therefore d) contrary to 31. The sooner she arrives, ………………… it will be for all of us. a) the best b) good c) the better d) better 32. That pop star, ………………… name is on everyone’s lips, is organising an international charity concert, ………………… will be held in June. a) whose / that b) whom / X c) who / that d) whose / which Disappearing Resources Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life, while human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. At the moment, attempts by a quarter of the world’s people to ….(33)…. on consuming two-thirds of the world’s resources, and by half of the people just to stay alive, are destroying the only resources we have ….(34)…. all people can survive. Everywhere fertile soil is ….(35)…. built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited ….(36)…. that they will never be able to recover completely. We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a result the planet’s ability to support life ….(37)…. by people while the rising human numbers and consumption are making increasingly heavy demands on it. The earth’s natural resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to ….(38)…. us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are ….(39)…. enough and use the resources carefully, they will stand indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively, they will soon ….(40)…. and everyone will suffer.
33. a) carry b) repeat c) follow d) continue 34. a) on whom b) where c) what d) by which 35. a) rather b) sooner c) either d) neither 36. a) too little b) so many c) too few d) so much 37. a) is reducing b) is being reduced c) are reduced d) are reducing 38. a) get b) have c) stay d) keep 39. a) sensitive b) sensible c) sensitively d) sensibly 40. a) go off b) go away c) run out d) get rid off 41. If no one ………………… President Kennedy, ………………… things ………………… different now? a) had killed / would / be c) has killed / would / have been b) had been killed / would / have been d) had been killed / would / be 42. A: “You only scored 2 out of 20 in the test.” B: “Really, was it ………………… that?” a) as low as b) so few c) too few d) so low 43. ………………… nice it is that you remembered the anniversary of our wedding! a) Too b) What c) Very d) How 44. “I can’t ………………… you her secret”, my best friend ………………… to me. a) tell / told b) say / told c) tell / said d) say / said 45. “This isn’t the first time she has made the same mistake, ………………… ?” a) isn’t this b) has she c) is she d) is it
YTU, SFL, Basic English Department 2003-2004 Academic Year Group (A) FINAL EXAM 4 Is it fast travelling? Although the plane is the fastest means of transport, the idea of travelling by plane does not appeal to everyone because of the frequent delays. It is extremely ….(46)…. when you allow yourself ….(47)…. time to get to the airport and, once there, it is brought to your attention that there is a problem with your flight. The staff at the check-in are trying to ….(48)…. you that it won’t be long before the problem is solved. ….(49)…., hours later you feel disappointed, as you continue to wait patiently for your boarding call. Of course, you won’t gain anything ….(50)…. . By this stage you realise you are going to miss your connecting flight and now you must change your bookings. You feel ….(51)….. you’re never going to get to your destination. However, there is the slight chance that you could be one of the lucky ones spending the night at a top class hotel at the expense of the airline that caused your problem in the first place. To be honest, you ….(52)…. be heading for your original destination. Regular passengers advise us just ….(53)…. the fact that no matter how annoying this situation might be, it’s unavoidable and shouldn’t affect us that much. Nevertheless, it will always be a common sight to see people waiting eagerly, with the hope of hearing their flight announced. 46. a) frustrating b) frustrated c) exhilarating d) exhilarated 47. a) a couple of b) plenty of c) several d) many 48. a) insist b) warn c) persist d) convince 49. a) However b) Whereas c) Consequently d) In short 50. a) to complain b) by complaining c) to complaining d) complain 51. a) as b) though c) as if d) if 52. a) would rather b) prefer c) can’t d) would like 53. a) accept b) to accept c) accepting d) being accepted 54. Despite ………………… a lot of responsibilities to fulfil, he remembered ………………… his e-mails. a) having / checking b) of having / checking c) he had / to check d) having / to check 55. ………………… English people are known for ………………… amount of ………………… tea they drink. a) X / an /the b) The / the /the c) X /the / X d) The / an / the 56. Dave and Pacey were so angry that they started screaming at ………………… . a) themselves b) each other c) the other d) another 57. A: “I cannot understand a word he says”. B: ” ……………………………………………”. a) Neither can I b) So can’t I c) Nor cannot I d) Either I can’t 58. Patsy Collins is ………………… her way home ………………… five in the morning after a long night, exhausted but proud ………………… what she has done. a) in / at / with b) on / at / of c) on / in / of d) in / in / with 59. The workers ……………….. for disturbing us with the noise they’ve been making during the construction
YTU, SFL, Basic English Department 2003-2004 Academic Year Group (A) FINAL EXAM 5 A Somalian Boy Last summer was a turning point in my life. I ….(60)…. what suffering meant if I hadn’t become a volunteer at the Somalian Refugee Camp in Eastern Ethiopia. It was a mission I ….(61)…. . When my parents heard the news, they were taken by surprise, but they could understand my wanting to come to the aid of my fellow man. My outlook on life and war changed ….(62)…. Haile, a young Somalian boy who drew my attention right from the beginning. He ….(63)…. a lot after losing both his parents. He had cut himself off completely from everyone. His world was in pieces. He wouldn’t eat or drink for days and I knew I ….(64)…. something before it was too late. I ….(65)….. to him in his own language since I knew only a few words in Somalian. So I started reading stories to him in English. He ….(66)…. for me at my tent every evening. Of course, he couldn’t understand the language, but I knew he understood ….(67)…. I felt about him. What I did must have helped, as he began showing some interest in life again. Today, I think of Haile and wonder ….(68)…. . 60. a) wouldn’t understand c) wouldn’t have understood b) couldn’t understand d) shouldn’t have understood 61. a) couldn’t turn down c) needn’t have turned down b) shouldn’t have turned down d) can’t have turned down 62. a) in spite of b) as a result c) in case of d) because of 63. a) should have suffered c) must have suffered b) could have suffered d) would have suffered 64. a) could do b) may have done c) had to do d) might have done 65. a) was unable to speak c) wasn’t used to speaking b) wasn’t allowed to speak d) was able to speak 66. a) was used to waiting c) should wait b) used to wait d) could wait 67. a) if b) how c) that d) which 68. a) if he is doing c) what he’s doing b) whether he did d) what is he doing For questions 69-73 find the sentence which is the closest in meaning to the given one. (1 pt each) 69. It is five months now since James and Alice got engaged. a) James and Alice could have got engaged five months ago. b) James and Alice will have got engaged in five months’ time. c) It took James and Alice five months to get engaged. d) James and Alice got engaged five months ago. 70. It is usually too cold to plant new trees at this time of the year. a) In this season it’s rarely warm enough to plant new trees. b) For the time of the year it’s warm, but not warm enough for planting. c) If the weather stays warm we shall be able to plant new trees. d) When the warm season comes we shall be able to plant regularly. 71. Although I wasn’t really worried, I felt better when I learned I had passed the exam. a) After so much worry it was nice to know I didn’t fail. b) I knew there was nothing to worry about but I still felt relieved to learn I passed the exam. c) It worried me slightly that I might fail the exam. d) I have passed the exam isn’t at all
YTU, SFL, Basic English Department 2003-2004 Academic Year Group (A) FINAL EXAM 6 72. The rainfall has been more than average this year. However, the reservoirs are nearly empty. a) There’s less water in the reservoirs than one might expect following the heavy rain. b) There’s not much water left in the reservoirs even though we’ve had more rain than usual this year. c) The reservoirs are nearly dry since there has been less rainfall than usual. d) The average rainfall is low, so this year the reservoirs are almost empty. 73. In rush hours there is so much traffic on the roads that it’s quicker to walk than to go by car. a) There is so much traffic these days that it is easier to walk than to drive in the heavy traffic. b) The traffic is sometimes so heavy that you can go in a car. c) At certain times of the day it really is better to walk than drive in the heavy traffic. d) If there is no special hurry, we may walk instead of going by car. For questions 74 and 75 choose the main idea for each paragraph. (1 pt each) 74. Verbal taboos usually involve topics that people believe are too private to talk about publicly, or relate to one’s manner of speaking. In many cultures, for example, it is considered bad manners and is often offensive to discuss subjects such as sex or religion in public. In some countries, the volume of one’s voice may offend people. In Japan for example, people tend to be more soft-spoken, and might think that someone who is speaking or laughing loudly is rude or aggressive. a) The word taboo is used to describe verbal and nonverbal behavior that is forbidden or to be avoided. b) In some cultures, sex and religion are topics that are not okay to discuss publicly. c) Nonverbal taboos relate to messages we send with our bodies. d) Taboos are not the same everywhere; they are usually culture-specific. 75. Certain actions, especially with the hands and feet, can cause offense in many cultures. In Thailand, as in most other Buddhist cultures in Asia, touching a person on the head is considered very insulting because the head is the highest, and therefore considered the most important, part of the body. As the feet are the lowest, pointing at someone with one of your feet, or showing the soles of your feet to someone, is considered insulting in many Asian countries. a) Actions made with the hands have different meanings around the world. b) All cultures have types of behavior that are considered good or bad manners. c) Some body language using the hands or feet can offend others. d) Something that is okay in one culture may not be okay in another. For questions 76 and 77 choose the sentence that completes the paragraph. (1 pt each) Every year examiners describe a list of common errors. ………………(76)………………. . The most common and disastrous mistake is a failure to read each question and answer it correctly. There are no marks for answering a different question from the one set. ……………………(77)……………………. . Underline, circle or even write out the key instructions, and then make sure you pay attention to each one. 76. a) Yet each summer, students fall into the same traps. b) Sitting an exam is a skill itself. c) Always leave enough time at the end of the exam to read through your work. d) Candidates should try to make sure their answers are clear. 77. a) There is no point in putting all your effort into one paper only to be exhausted for the rest. b) If you are unsure of anything, do not hesitate to ask a supervisor. c) After weeks of study it is important to clear the mind, not cloud it. d) It is useful to identify important words in the questions
YTU, SFL, Basic English Department 2003-2004 Academic Year Group (A) FINAL EXAM 7 For questions 78 and 79 choose the sentence that completes each paragraph. (1 pt each) 78. Living in a small town can be a good thing. Everyone knows each other well and can help each other in times of trouble. Sometimes there is also a bad side to small town life, though. You may feel that people are always watching you and ……………………………………………… . a) wondering what to do. b) talking about you. c) welcoming you. d) respecting you. 79. ………………………………………………………………… . But holidays are also a time for wondering whether burglars have helped themselves to your valuables in your absence, and whether your neighbour has remembered to feed the cat. Companies such as, Homesitters and Housewatch aim to reduce the worry of leaving your home for any length of time. a) However, some householders have other reasons for using the service. b) So what is the attraction of doing the household chores for a stranger when you hate doing them in your own home? c) People use holidays to rest and to get better, as a time to relax on a foreign beach or track up a mountain. d) When they go on holiday, a lot of people have builders or decorators in and employ a homesitter to keep an eye on things.
For questions 80-85 read the text and answer the questions. (1,5 pts each)
HOW ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY AM I? (1) I like to think that I am bringing my kids up to care about the world around them. They know that resources are scarce, that they shouldn’t waste water and that they should turn lights off to save electricity when they are not in a room. They know that we have to save the rainforests and respect the world’s fragile eco-balance. They know that we have to ensure that the air we breathe is clean. I thought my family was environmentally friendly, so I invited Tom Harper from Pollution Prevention Ltd to come and see if I was doing everything right. (2) Tom arrived at our detached house early on a Saturday morning. I was making breakfast, and my two children, Joshua, aged nine, and Rebecca, twelve, were watching cartoons on TV. (3) The first thing Tom asked when he came into the kitchen was, “How old is your fridge?” I told him it was about fifteen years old. “Well, by the look of it, you ought to think about getting a new one.” “A new one?”, I asked. “I thought we were supposed to use products for as long as possible before buying new ones.” “It still works quite well.” (4) “Well,” said Tom, “it may still keep your food cold, but look at those door seals. They are old, so they are leaking cold air. That means your fridge has to work harder to stay cold, so that uses more electricity. A new one would be much more efficient and cost effective.” (5) We moved to the living room. It was November, so the heating was on. “It is nice and warm in here,” said Tom, “but to be honest, there is a problem with your windows. Those aluminium window frames let a lot more hot air out of the house than wooden or plastic frames do. And you do not have double glazing. Double-glazed windows keep in almost twice as much heat as single pane windows. Once again, you are using far more electricity than you need to.” “Right, kids,” I said. “Turn the TV off, have a quick shower, then come down for breakfast
YTU, SFL, Basic English Department 2003-2004 Academic Year Group (A) FINAL EXAM 8 (6) “Before they have their showers,” said Tom, “Let’s have a look at your bathroom.” We all went up. “You see that showerhead?” said Tom. “It has got lots of big holes. That is going to let through about twenty litres of water per minute. A new water-saving showerhead lets through a lot less water, and you still get a good shower. So if you fit one of those, you will not only save water, you will also save hot water, so you will lower your energy and your heating costs.” This was more like what I wanted to hear. A new fridge and double-glazing were expensive. A new shower? I could afford that. (7) While the kids had their showers, we went to look at the car. Now I know cars are bad for the environment, but when you have got two children wanting to go to parties and to the sports centre, what other option is there? The nearest bus stop is too far away. Tom was understanding. “If you have to have a car, you have to have a car,” he said. “There is no such thing as an environmentally friendly car, but there are things you can do to reduce the negative impact cars have on the environment.” “I only use it when absolutely necessary,” I said proudly. “That is good,” said Tom. “But you should make sure the engine is kept properly tuned. This can increase fuel efficiency by as much as 8 %. Also, regularly check that your air filters are clean. If they are dirty, that will increase your fuel consumption.” (8) By now, the kids were wanting their breakfast. We all sat down in the kitchen. “There are some things you can do,” said Tom, “like checking your car, that won’t cost you much money, and they will save you money in the long run. Equally important, they will help a little to protect the environment. Other things we have talked about, like a new fridge, do cost quite a lot. But you have to be aware that your windows and your fridge at the moment are costing you more than they should in terms of heating bills and electricity use. Nobody benefits from that.”
80. Why did the writer invite Tom Harper to her house?
a) She wanted him to see how difficult it is to be environmentally friendly. b) She wanted to know if she could be more environmentally friendly. c) She wanted him to teach her children to be environmentally friendly. d) She wanted to show him how to be environmentally friendly.
;81. The writer was surprised by what Tom said about the fridge because …………………
a) she had had it for so long. b) it was only about fifteen years old. c) she wanted it to stop working before she bought a new one. d) she thought he would not recommend throwing things away.
82. Why is the writer using too much electricity in the living room?
a) A lot of the heat is escaping through the windows. b) The writer has the heating on in November. c) The children have the TV on too much. d) The window frames are not the right size.
83. What does the phrase “ one of those” (paragraph 6 ) refer to?
a) A showerhead with big holes. b) A good shower. c) A water-saving showerhead. d) The shower in the writer’s bathroom.
84. Tom is sympathetic in the writer’s …………………
a) desire not to use public transport. b) children’s desire to have showers. c) willingness to buy a new shower. d) explanation of why she has a car.
85. Tom points out to the writer that buying a new fridge …………………
a) may save her money in other ways. b) may not be as expensive as she thinks. c) would not really benefit her. d) is not than checking the car
YTU, SFL, Basic English Department 2003-2004 Academic Year Group (A) FINAL EXAM 9 For questions 86-93 read the text and answer the questions. (1,5 pts each)
(1) The fur fashion industry is in poor health. The campaigns that started in the 1980s have had their effect and in the US alone the number of fur farms fell by over 50% from 1987 to 1997. In a move that is bound to be a waste of effort, the fur industry has tried to rebuild by using the slogan “fur is back”. However, a loss of profits and an uncertain future mean that there are far fewer people working in the fur industry today. The number of manufacturers in the US has fallen from 797 in 1972 to fewer than 200. This trend will continue. We still need to be careful, though. Many people who would never consider buying fur are doing so without knowing it. (2) Clothes designers are aware of the bad image fur has with many people. Some of them have taken the sensible decision not to work with fur. Those that still encourage this cruel trade are forced to find ways to disguise fur. The fur is often made to feel like other materials. It is dyed bright orange or powder blue to hide its origins. Perhaps the most common trick is to use a small amount of fur around the edges of coats, hoping that the customer won’t realise that animals have died to make their clothes. (3) As the fur farming industry faces problems, so does the fur trapping industry. Governments have been rather slow to introduce effective laws but the situation is not looking good for fur trappers. The most popular trap is the leghold trap. Around ninety countries have banned these traps and over twenty countries, mostly in Africa, have banned trapping altogether. The use of these shocking devices is falling but there is more that we can do to persuade governments to act. Letter-writing campaigns can still help. Demonstrations still take place around the world against this evil trade. (4) These actions do produce results. In Sweden, for example, the government agreed to pass a law saying that foxes cannot be kept in cages and that all foxes kept for fur must be allowed to dig by giving them enough space to behave naturally. The extra cost will mean that most fur farms in Sweden will go bankrupt. In Switzerland, too, the law makes this old fashioned industry impossible. If only more countries would follow this lead, a lot of suffering would be prevented. (5) The number of animals suffering around the world for the fur trade has fallen by about twenty-seven million over the last decade. The people working against the industry can be proud of what they have achieved. Employment in this area of the economy has fallen to only about 600 workers. Many of them are looking for other jobs. Most of them realize that their industry has no future. Some of them have taken the brave decision to leave because they recognise the cruelty around them. (6) The increase in sales of furs in the US does not mean that “fur is back”. At a time when the rest of the economy is growing quickly, sales of fur grew by a tiny 1.6% last year. This figure, even if it is correct, is a clear sign that people are moving away from fur. Thankfully, the industry is dying around the world.
86. The writer thinks the fur industry is ………..
a) never going to recover. b) trying harder than ever. c) becoming more trendy. d) getting more careless.
87. The writer thinks that the designers have to …….
a) make logical choices about their designs. b) fool people if they want to sell fur. c) use other materials that look like fur. d) use little fur because it is expensive.
88. What is meant by “these shocking devices” in paragraph 3?
a) laws against trapping b) forms of protest c) leghold traps d) fur trappers
89. The industry will suffer in Sweden because companies will have to ………..
a) buy more cages. b) increase prices. c) keep more foxes. d) have more space.
90. The writer admires people who leave their job when they ………..
a) can no longer survive in the industry. b) see that profits are likely to fall. c) are offered other employment. d) realise the suffering they cause.
91. What is the writer’s attitude to the 1.6% growth in the fur industry?
a) It is a worrying statistic. b) It was huge. c) It may be a lie. d) It shows the need for action.
92. What would be the most suitable title for this extract?
a) Don’t be fooled by designers b) A return to popularity c) The decline in the fur trade d) Millions of animals are suffering
93. Which of the following dictionary definitions gives the correct meaning of “lead” as used para 4 ? 4? a) first place b) example c) suggestion d) advantage