İTÜ Proficiency sınavı hazırlık programında deneyimli olmak önemlidir.
1 – İTÜ proficiency sınavında ilk bölüm olan Use of English 8 İngilizcenin kullanımı) bölümünde adayların akademik seviyedeki dil bilgisi ve kelime bilgisi mevzuunda ki becerilerini ölçmek için hazırlanmış , 4 veya 5 değişik bir şekilde okuma parçası verilir ve parçalarda boş bırakılan yerlerin tamamlanması istenir.
Öğrenciler her boşluk için verilen seçeneklerden birini seçmek zorundadır.Bu bölümde toplam olarak 35 tane sual vardır ve her bir soru 1 puan değerindedir. Bu nedenle tüm bölüm toplamda 35 puan değerine sahiptir.
2 – İ TÜ proficiency sınavında ikinci bölüm olan Reading Comprehension kısmında ise öğrencilere okuduğunu anlama, yorumlama ve bilmedikleri sözcüklerin manasını çıkarma gibi mevzularda yeteneklerini ölçmek amacıyla, 3 veya 4 birbirinden değişik ve farklı içeriklerde okuma parçası verilmekte vede bu parçalarla ilgili soruların cevaplanması istenmektedir.
Hazırlanan İTÜ proficiency sınavı soruları parçanın ana fikrini, bir takım ayrıntılarını, öğrencilerin parçadaki açıklamalar hakkındaki yorumlarını ve parçadaki bazı ifadelerin manalarını soran 4 seçenekli çoktan seçmeli olarak düzenlenmiştir.. Bu bölümde toplam olarak 30 tane soru vardır ve her soru 1,5 puan değerine sahiptir.. Bu nedenle bölüm içindeki soruların toplam değeri 45 puandır.
3 – İTÜ proficiency sınavında imtihanın son bölümü olan Writing bölümünde, öğrencilere verilen bir konu üzerindeki fikirlerini yazılı olarak ifade etmeleri istenmektedir. Öğrencilere 3 veya 5 birbirinden değişik kompozisyon konusu verilir ve bunlardan bir tanesini seçilerek 250-300 kelimelik bir kompozisyon yazlıması istenir. Yazım bölümü 20 puan değerindedir.
İ TÜ Proficiency Sınav Hazırlık
/ Questions 1-35 (35 x 1 = 35 points)
Choose the alternative that best fits in each blank to make the texts meaningful.
Text 1.
Measles* Campaign Cuts Deaths by Almost Half
Measles is an infection of the breathing system. The cause is a virus. It is
spread through the air when infected people cough or sneeze. Deaths from measles
are often the result of related infections. Even
_______ who survive can suffer brain
damage, blindness or other disabilities.
The most recent
_______ is that measles led to more than four hundred fifty
thousand deaths in 2004. Most who die are children under the age of five. And the
highest numbers are in southern Africa.
Measles is now rare in wealthier countries where parents usually have their
_______ against the disease, but it is still common in many developing
countries. The World Health Organization says more than thirty million people are
affected each year. Experts say weak vaccination programs are the main reason. They
say almost all children who have not been vaccinated will get measles if they come
into contact with the virus.
There has been a vaccine against measles for the past forty years. Still,
measles remains the leading cause of vaccine-preventable deaths around the
world, but there is good news. A new report said that an international campaign
______ measles deaths by almost half the previous year. The report is from the
World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF. It
says countries in southern Africa had the largest reduction: cases and deaths had
______ by sixty percent.
The Measles Initiative was launched in February of 2001. This international
program is
______ technical and financial support to countries in South Asia. They
have the highest numbers of measles deaths outside of southern Africa.
The W.H.O. says children in developing countries
______ get measles should
receive two doses of vitamin A given twenty-four hours apart. This can
_______ eye
damage and improve chances of survival.
1. a) of those b) of these c) those d) these
2. a) establishment b) detection c) estimate d) determination
3. a) to vaccinate c) vaccinated
b) vaccinating d) for vaccination
4. a) had reduced c) would reduce
b) was reducing d) had been reduced
5. a) boosted b) enhanced c) risen d) dropped
6. a) extending b) exploiting c) extracting d) expressing
7. a) where b) which c) who d) whose
8. a) help preventing c) prevent by helping
b) help prevent d) prevent helping by
Measles*: an infectious disease
TÜ Proficiency Sınav
September 5, 2006
Text 2.
The statistics regarding cigarette smoking are anything but encouraging. The
Federal Trade Commission recently announced that in 1980 Americans purchased
628.2 billion packets of cigarettes, a(n)
_______ greater number than ever before.
The average smoker
_______ 11,633 cigarettes, of which 44.8 percent were low-tar
cigarettes containing less than 15 milligrams of tar. In 1968, the average tar content
was 22 milligrams.
_______ every cigarette pack has a printed warning from the Surgeon General,
those who still smoke are smoking more heavily. Many people have
smoking for fear of lung cancer. The American Cancer Society reports that death
rates from lung cancer have escalated,
_______ those for other major cancers have
leveled off or declined. Last year, 111,000 Americans died of lung cancer, while it
_______ that 117,000 will die due to cancer this year. Lung cancer heads the list in
killing 35 percent of males
_______ of cancer. Lung cancer accounts for 17 percent
of women’s cancer deaths. 440,000 deaths from cancer will occur this year- 9,000
more than in the
_______ year. Lung cancer accounts for two thirds of this
_______ many cancer patients have survived the disease, the prognosis for
lung cancer patients is the most discouraging. Ninety-one percent
_______ of lung
cancer have been fatal.
9. a) disapprovingly b) alarmingly c) ultimately d) eventually
10. a) raised b) swayed c) prospered d) consumed
11. a) Despite the fact that c) Due to
b) Due to the fact that d) Despite
12. a) caused to stop c) opposed to quitting
b) promised to give up d) denied reducing
13. a) as long as b) whereas c) therefore d) in case
14. a) predicted b) is attributed c) is predicted d) attributed
15. a) being killed c) who die
b) having died d) having killed
16. a) latter b) previous c) inferior d) recent
17. a) Unless b) However c) As soon as d) Although
18. a) in diagnosed cases c) cases which were diagnosed
b) of all diagnosed cases d) within diagnosed cases
TÜ Proficiency Sınav
Text 3.
Deforestation in the Himalayas
The Himalayas may never be the same again. The forests growing on the roof
of the world are disappearing at
_______ a quarter of the animal and plant species
native to this biodiversity hotspot could be gone by the end of the century.
What is worse, the Indian government is
_______ the problem that is
approaching because official figures inaccurately suggest that forest cover will rise
rather than fall. This mistake has led to the approval of new schemes, such as
hydroelectric dams, that will worsen this destruction. The Himalayan region has long
been recognized as extremely rich in animal and especially plant diversity, and its
need for conservation cannot be
Now a team of researchers led by Maharaj Pandit, a professor at the University
of Delhi, India, is compiling statistics about these forests using satellite images.
_______ so far reveals that by 2000, the region had lost 15 per cent of its forest
cover compared with the early 1970s. The team also predicts that by 2100, it
_______ almost half of its forests. And less than one-third of the dense forest
_______ many native animal species depend will survive in the western Himalayas,
while less than three-quarters in the eastern Himalayas will remain. What is more, the
researchers regard these predictions as highly optimistic estimates, as they think
increases in population and agriculture will also increase the deforestation rate. They
say immediate conservation precautions
_______ to prevent the disappearance of
these forests in the future.
19. a) so rapidly rate that c) such a rapidly rate that
b) such a rapid rate that d) so rapid rate that
20. a) unaware of c) susceptible to
b) acquainted with d) keen on
21. a) confessed b) seized c) ignored d) afforded
22. a) Whether they have found c) What they have found
b) Which they have found d) That they have found
23. a) loses c) will have lost
b) is losing d) will have been losing
24. a) on which b) that c) on that d) which
25. a) might have been taken c) used to be taken
b) have to be taken d) should have taken
TÜ Proficiency Sınav
Text 4.
Boosting the Brain
Among the most amazing new medical devices are those that stimulate nerves
electrically. “Almost every function in the body
_______ electrical signals from the
nervous system, so stimulating the nerves is potentially able to influence many
functions,” says Gerald Loed, MD, professor of Biomedical engineering at the
University of Southern California.
Jackie Brown can confirm the beneficial power of electricity. Brown, age 50,
suffers from Parkinson’s disease. A drug called Sinemet
_______ the symptoms of
the disease, which included shaking and losing her balance.
_______, each night
when the medication stopped working, the shaking started. As she lay on her bed, her
husband, a 2-meter, 110-kilo former professional football player,
_______ on top of
her legs trying to stop her shaking. She recalls, “I was shaking so badly that I
_______ him off the bed.”
In March, 2004 doctors drilled a hole on each side of Brown’s skull. Through
each hole they inserted a pea-sized device deep into the brain. Then they put its wires
under the skin of Brown’s head and neck, a process
_______ electricians putting
wiring inside a wall. They spent two weeks programming it, and took her off the
Sinemet. Brown no longer uses any medicine, but she lifts weights, drives her car and
goes to bed like everyone else. “It’s a miracle,” she says.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) “is an opportunity to give people back their
_______,” says Malcolm Stewart, MD at the Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas. A study
published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that DBS reduces
symptoms for five years after
_______. The
_______, however, is that it takes
$100,000 and an expert team of doctors to install a DBS system. Still, systems like
Brown’s are being used or tested to control symptoms in an amazing
_______ of
illnesses, including migraines and severe depression.
26. a) controlled by b) controlling c) is controlled by d) is controlling
27. a) allowed her to control c) resulted in her control
b) led to her control d) made controlling her
28. a) Nowadays b) Nevertheless c) Thus d) In fact
29. a) had sat b) has sat c) would sit d) used to sitting
30. a) could push c) should have pushed
b) can’t have pushed d) must push
31. a) such as b) for example c) similar to d) alike
32. a) self-confident and proud c) self-confidence and proud
b) self-confident and pride d) self-confidence and pride
33. a) being installed c) having installed
b) installing d) is installed
34. a) drawback b) doubt c) profit d) fortune
35. a) total b) various c) diverse d) range
TÜ Proficiency Sınav
SECTION II. READING COMPREHENSION / Questions 36-65 (30 x 1.5 = 45 points)
Text 1. Read the text and choose the best alternative that answers each question.
Vampires on the Leading Edge
“Rabid vampire bats attack Brazilian children” may sound like something out
of the tabloid Weekly World News, but the headline actually comes from the
respected magazine New Scientist.
Vampire bats have indeed been attacking Brazilian children. In fact, they’ve
5 bitten over 1,300 people since September 2005 and 23 of their victims have died from
rabies, a disease which causes people and animals to go mad and die. However,
beneath the sensational and bizarre story is more hopeful news about the emerging
field of conservation medicine.
Conservation medicine is a relatively new discipline referring to the
10 convergence of ecology and health science. It’s a natural connection because the
health of individual plants, animals and people is intimately connected to the health of
the ecosystems in which they are embedded.
What does this have to do with bats? Well, the reason for the recent increase in
vampire bat attacks in Brazil is deforestation. The Amazon forests are being cleared
15 for industry and agriculture — especially grazing animals. With their homes gone,
the bats are resting closer to humans and they have a new, plentiful supply of slow
moving, warm-blooded victims – cattle (cows and bulls). This has led to larger
colonies in smaller areas, which makes the bats more aggressive and no longer fear
humans and also makes ideal breeding grounds for rabies.
20 Rabies isn’t the only disease recently transferred to humans from bats. Bats are
also a natural reservoir for SARS, the respiratory virus that caused panic in Toronto
and spread through Southeast Asia two years ago. Originally, scientists thought civet
cats were the reservoir for SARS, but they now believe the civets were infected by
bats. Bats often don’t eat all of their meals. Fruit bats, for example, chew fruit to
25 extract the sugars and then spit out what is left and that is eaten by animals searching
for food on the ground.
Scientists now believe that this is how the Nipah virus was spread through pig
farms in Malaysia five years ago, when farms began displacing forests and bats began
resting in barns. Authorities there had to kill one million pigs, and over 100 farm
30 workers died from the virus. But before hunting down these winged terrors, consider
what ecologist Andrew Dobson wrote in an analysis in the journal Science:
“Assuming we can control these diseases by simply controlling bats is both naïve and
short sighted. Instead, we must recognize that increased disease transmission from
bats to humans may simply reflect an increase in their contact because of modification
35 of the bat’s natural environment.”
In other words, as humans continue to modify and destroy bat habitats, we will
continue to run into these problems. To solve them, we must focus on conservation
and learn more about bat ecology and immunology – about which we currently know
very little. Ultimately, minimizing the conditions that lead to disease outbreak is much
40 more effective than dealing with the problem after it has already occurred.
In nature, everything is connected. And while people tend to think that human
society is somehow excluded from nature, like some sort of observer, we are in fact
deeply embedded in it. Because of this, our actions can have extensive, unexpected
İ TÜ Proficiency Sınav Hazırlık
and mysterious consequences. The new field of conservation medicine can help us to unlock
45 those mysteries and build a healthier world.
36. The word ‘convergence’ in line 10 is closest in meaning to _________.
a) division b) solution c) combination d) explanation
37. The word ‘their’ in line 15 refers to _________.
a) grazing animals b) the Amazon forests c) bats d) humans
38. The word ‘there’ in line 29 refers to _________.
a) barns b) forests c) pig farms d) Malaysia
39. The word ‘it’ in line 43 refers to _________.
a) nature b) observer c) human society d) disease outbreak
40. According to the article, _________.
a) there will be more problems caused by bats unless humans continue to modify
their habitat
b) Dobson thinks the best way to control diseases transferred to humans from bats
is to control bats
c) more research needs to be done in the field of bat ecology and immunology
d) the headline about bats shows that New Scientist has become a tabloid magazine
41. Which of the following can be inferred from the article?
a) The Amazon forests have all been cleared to make barns for animals.
b) Bats can’t have played a significant role in the transfer of SARS to humans.
c) Bats are not afraid of humans any more because they have got used to humans.
d) Conservation medicine aims to modify the natural environment of animals.
42. Which of the following is true according to the article?
a) There has been a decrease in the size of the natural environment of bats.
b) Vampire bat attacks started after deforestation began.
c) Fruit bats do not eat the pulp of fruit because they do not like sugar.
d) Vampires face extinction because they have difficulty in finding food.
43. It can be inferred that the writer of the article _________.
a) thinks that humans must be excluded from the natural world
b) suggests finding a solution to the outbreak after it occurs instead of preventive action
c) is critical about the concept of conservation medicine
d) has a holistic approach to nature
44. The writer’s main purpose in writing this article is to _________.
a) explain how to stop deforestation in the Amazon forests
b) warn us about the diseases transferred to humans from bats
c) inform readers of the possible benefits of conservation medicine
d) underline the effects of bat attacks on Brazilian children
TÜ Proficiency Sınav
Text 2. Read the text and choose the best alternative that answers each question.
Are Treasures Truly Safe?
A once famous American bank robber said he robbed banks because ‘that is where the money
is.’ Actually, today museums are ‘where the money is’. Where else can one find so many
moveable items of great value within arm’s reach? In one art gallery alone, there can be
paintings worth more than a whole fleet of expensive jets. What’s more, while banks can hide
5 their money in vaults, museums are obliged to display their valuables.
So, the theft of a well-known painting would be discouraging news not only for anyone
who cares about art but especially for museum officials and gallery owners, who know how
vulnerable their treasures are. Art theft is a vast problem around the world. As many as 10,000
precious items of all kinds disappear each year and it may not be a problem which smaller
10 museums, in particular, can afford to solve.
As an example, on August 22, 2004, two famous paintings, The Scream and Madonna –
both by Edvard Munch – were stolen from the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway. They were
stolen by two men wearing masks, one of them armed, at 11:00 a.m., about an hour after the
museum opened. Like many great works, neither painting was insured for theft. The high
15 insurance premiums on very famous paintings would ruin the budgets of even the largest
museums. An earlier version of The Scream had been stolen from the National Gallery in Oslo in
1994. Three months after the theft, officers from Scotland Yard, posing as experts from a
museum in Los Angeles to catch the thieves, approached them with an offer to buy the painting
and arrested them when they were given it.
20 However, with some other high-profile art-theft cases, the outcome is still in doubt and
many cases are still unsolved. Large museums have had their share of embarrassing robberies.
For example, in 1911 the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum. However, the bigger
problem is small institutions like the Munch Museum in Oslo or private homes open to the
public. Neither can afford elaborate security systems. Large museums attach alarms to their most
25 valuable pictures, but a modest alarm system can cost at least $500,000. Some museums are
looking into tracking devices that would enable them to follow stolen items once they leave the
building. “But officials are concerned that if they have to insert something, it might damage the
picture,” says the former head of security at the Getty Museum.
Meanwhile, smaller museums can barely afford enough guards. Instead, they depend on
30 their elderly staff. After being caught, a museum thief confessed at trial that there were only two
guards for the three floors of the museum which he had robbed, so he had simply slipped the
painting, worth $240,000, under his shirt and just walked out of the door. He told the court, “It’s
probably more difficult to steal a T-shirt from a shop.”
What can thieves do with the valuable paintings they steal? Their fame makes it very
35 difficult to sell them on the black market. A famous stolen painting worth thousands of dollars is
not the kind of thing that a buyer could display openly in his / her mansion. Thus, it’s hard to
imagine an underworld drug lord owning a masterpiece that is known to be missing.
Thieves sometimes try using artworks as a means of making other kinds of deals. For
example, the men who organized the 1986 robbery of Russborough House near Dublin for the
40 theft of 18 paintings tried unsuccessfully to exchange them for Irish Republican Army members
who were being kept in British jails.
Others demand ransom money from the museum that owns the pictures. In 1994, thieves
in Frankfurt, Germany, ran away with two major paintings that had been borrowed from the Tate
Gallery in London. The paintings were worth more than $80 million. They were recovered in
45 2002 after the Tate Gallery paid more than $5 million to people who had ‘information’ about
where they were. Although ransom is illegal in Britain, money for secret information in anA
TÜ Proficiency Sınav
investigation is considered legal, provided that the police agree that the source of this information
is unconnected to the crime itself. Nevertheless, it is hard to draw the line between information
money and ransom. In other words, ‘where information money ends and ransom begins’ is
50 unclear.
45. The phrase ‘posing as’ in line 17 can best be replaced by ________.
a) disagreeing with b) pretending to be c) aiming at d) promoted to
46. The word ‘outcome’ in line 20 is closest in meaning to ________.
a) ending b) benefit c) processing d) disadvantage
47. The word ‘Neither’ in line 24 can best be replaced by ‘Neither _______ nor _______’.
a) private homes / the public c) large museums / smaller museums
b) the Louvre / Munch Museum d) small institutions / private homes
48. The word ‘Others’ in line 42 refers to ‘Other ________’.
a) bargains b) jails c) thieves d) members
49. The phrase ‘draw the line’ in line 48 can best be replaced by ________.
a) get confused b) make a picture c) make a distinction d) do a favor
50. Which of the following is not implied in the article?
a) Museums are usually easier to rob than banks.
b) Museums may be very tempting to thieves.
c) Large museums are totally protected against thieves.
d) Shops may have more protection than small museums.
51. Which of the following is true according to the article?
a) Both of Edward Munch’s paintings were found by experts from a museum in Los
b) Some large museums have also been robbed of masterpieces despite their alarm
systems and guards.
c) Most museums are using tracking devices to protect their valuable paintings.
d) Many great works of art in both large and smaller museums are insured against
52. The article states that _________.
a) criminals like to buy stolen paintings because thieves do not charge them high
b) most stolen paintings have been recovered quickly through the cooperation of
experts and policemen
c) the 1986 Russborough House robbers returned the 18 paintings they had stolen
d) thieves who steal famous paintings from museums cannot find buyers even on the
black market
53. Which of the following can be inferred from the article?
a) The Tate Gallery probably paid the thieves themselves more than $5 million to get
the two paintings back.
b) Museum thieves in Britain do not ask for ransom money for the paintings they
steal because ransom is illegal there.
c) Thieves steal valuable artworks from museums to sell them to underworld people
at prices higher than they’re worth.
d) Museums are banned from hiding their valuable items.
54. The article mainly explains _________.
a) the duties and responsibilities of senior museum officials
b) how and why museums or art galleries are robbed
c) why some museum theft cases are still unsolved
d) the systems used for the security of museums and art galleries
TÜ Proficiency Sınav
Text 3. Read the text and choose the best alternative that answers each question.
The 11-Year Quest to Create Disappearing Colored Bubbles
Tim Kehoe has stained his face, his car and several bathtubs. He has also left marks on a few
dozen children. He and his family have had to evacuate their house quickly because he had filled it with
dangerous gas. He’s ruined every kitchen he’s ever had. Kehoe, a 35-year-old American inventor, has
done all this work to realise an idea he first had more than 10 years ago. It’s one he’s been told repeatedly
5 cannot be realised: a colored bubble. No, not the rainbow effect you see when the light catches a clear
bubble, but a bubble that gives off a single bright color through the entire sphere, a green bubble, an
orange bubble, or a hot-pink bubble.
Kehoe made a bubble like that when he was 26, after only two years of ruined pans and chemical
fires. He showed it to toy company executives, who were absolutely amazed. But then it broke, as
10 bubbles always do. When it did, the dye inside escaped onto clothes and carpets and walls and skin,
tingeing everything it touched. The executives told him to come back with a bubble they could wash off
their boardroom table.
With a baby on the way and a house to pay for, Kehoe had to concentrate on other things.
However, in 2003 the software company Kehoe was working for was sold, putting him out of a job but
15 making its founders rich. Their high opinion of Kehoe inspired them to launch a new toy company with
him. Kehoe contributed 219 ideas, they contributed half a million dollars. Only after the deal was secure
and Kehoe had cashed the check, did he tell them about the bubbles. “I’d been avoiding it because I knew
they’d get excited and want to do it,” Kehoe says. “And I didn’t know that I could.” In eight years of
experiments, he had created bubbles with dozens of colors, with dozens of dyes, yet never one that was
20 washable enough to sell. “I tried to talk them out of it, but they were adamant. I told them that neither
money nor manpower would be enough, but they still insisted that I try.”
This happened on a Friday. His business partner Guy Haddleton, the man who paid his salary,
told him to bring the bubbles in on Monday morning, so Kehoe started destroying his wife’s new kitchen.
“And I couldn’t get it,” he says. “All Friday night, into Saturday morning, I tried everything I had done
25 before, and all I saw was clear bubbles. I really panicked.” Finally, he started trying new dyes. “I
emptied stores of any products with color. The salesclerks thought I was crazy. I spent hundreds of
dollars buying one of everything. One store had specialty inks that were $30 a bottle that I had never
tried.” This new ink worked even better than he hoped. Not only did it produce colored bubbles, but also
when Kehoe dumped the bubble solution on his clothes and his kids’ clothes, much to his surprise it
30 washed out every time. When Haddleton saw the bubbles on Monday, he was thrilled.
A few months later, in July 2004, Kehoe and his partners invited dozens of kids and their parents
to a media event to unveil their new bubbles. They hired a film crew and rented massive bubble
machines to fill the air with their new bubbles. At first the party was great. Mothers were amazed at the
sight of the strangely bright bubbles glowing in the sunlight. Kids yelled for joy and chased after them.
35 Eventually, however, the bubbles broke, on the kids, on the parents and on cars. It looked as if there had
been a paint fight. Kehoe told the parents that the color would wash out, but that wasn’t enough, not
when their kids were covered from head to toe in blue and pink spots, and the color was getting into their
shoes and hair. In the faces of the horrified mothers, Kehoe immediately understood the lesson: “You
can’t put something on the market that leaves so much color, even if it is washable.” He needed color that
40 disappeared on its own, but in the history of organic chemistry, no one had ever created a dye like that.
Kehoe put an advertisement on the Internet, looking for someone who could make a disappearing
dye that could color the very thin wall of a bubble. Only one person thought he could do it. Ram Sabnis
is one of the very few people who has a Ph.D. in dye-chemistry. Like Kehoe, Sabnis didn’t seem to
consider the possibility that a problem could not be solved, but he had no idea how hard this one would
45 turn out to be. Nevertheless, after a year of experimenting, he finally created a dye that would attach itself
to the surface of a bubble, giving it a bright color. The bubble would also lose its color with friction,
water or exposure to air—not fade or transfer to something else, but go away completely as if it had never
been there. When one of these bubbles broke on your hands, you could rub them together a few times and
the color would disappear. If the bubble broke on your shirt or the carpet or the dog, you would have two
50 choices: use plain water and remove it immediately, or forget about it for half an hour. Either way, the
color would be gone.
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Without Sabnis’ breakthrough, Kehoe might have plodded on in his basement for many more
years and never made the dye he needed. Without Kehoe’s dedication and belief in the idea, the project
would never have been funded. But thanks to their efforts, you will be able to find Zubbles, Kehoe’s
55 name for his colored bubbles, in a store near you soon.
55. The word ‘evacuate’ in line 2 is closest in meaning to _______ .
a) clean b) dry off c) leave d) turn off
56. The word ‘one’ in line 4 refers to _______ .
a) what Kehoe has done b) an inventor c) an idea d) doing all this work
57. The word ‘it’ in line 17 refers to _______ .
a) a half million dollars c) cashing the check
b) telling the company’s founders about the bubbles d) the deal
58. The word ‘adamant’ in line 20 can best be replaced by _______ .
a) unlucky b) determined c) frustrated d) delighted
59. The word ‘unveil’ in line 32 is closest in meaning to _______ .
a) introduce b) debate c) produce d) supply
60. The phrase ‘plodded on’ in line 52 is a synonym for _______ .
a) relaxed b) hidden c) worked d) given up
61. The bubbles Kehoe made when he was 26 years old _______ .
a) had the rainbow effect you see when light catches a clear bubble
b) were well-liked by toy company executives until they broke
c) made the executives so angry that they never wanted to see him again
d) were actually easier to clean up than the executives realized
62. The media event was a disappointment because _______ .
a) it was clear that mothers would not buy Kehoe’s bubbles
b) the bubbles left permanent stains on the children’s clothes
c) the bubbles broke more quickly than Kehoe expected
d) the children had a fight because of the bubbles
63. Ram Sabnis _______ .
a) was able to find a solution to the staining problem quicker than he expected
b) made a dye that transferred its color before going away completely
c) and Tim Kehoe were both experts in dye-chemistry
d) succeeded in making a dye that went away completely by itself
64. Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the text?
a) After the executives rejected his colored bubbles, Kehoe spent more time than ever working
on them.
b) When Kehoe left the software company in 2003, he had saved enough money to start his own
toy company.
c) In July 2004, Kehoe and his partners thought they had invented a colored bubble that would
become very popular.
d) Ram Sabnis was confident he could help Kehoe because he had worked on a similar dye while
doing his Ph.D.
65. Which of the statements below about Zubbles is not supported by the text?
a) They will come in a variety of colors
b) They will not leave stains on either clothes or skin.
c) If they leave a mark, you can rub it and it will disappear.
d) Sabnis must still improve his dye if Zubbles are to be in stores soon.
TÜ Proficiency Sınav
Write an essay of 250 – 300 words on ONE of the topics given below. Your essay must have an
introduction with a clear thesis statement that includes controlling idea/s, at least 2 body
paragraphs with relevant supporting ideas and a concluding paragraph. Your ideas should be
organized properly.
1. Life in the future will be much better than it is today. Agree or disagree.
2. High school students in Turkey feel the need to go to private courses in order to be successful
in the university entrance exam. What are the causes of this? Discuss.
3. What are the effects of living in another country on people? Discuss.