Spectroil-M RDE-OES Installation

Another Spectroil M Elemental Analyzer installation and trainings are completed. Providing fast and accurate results according to ASTM D6595 standard, Spectroil will serve to get quick and certain view of aircraft situation at site.

Spectroil Elemental Analyzers deliver an early warning of abnormal wear and provides elemental information to determine the source of the problem depending on the machinery. Contamination issues such as coolant leaks, sea water contamination, ingested dirt, etc. are also identified as well as the change in additive concentrations due to fluid mix-up, dilution, or contamination.

Spectroil RDE-OES Systems can detect:

An additional 13 elements (Sb, Bi, As, In, Co, Zr, W, Sr, Li, Ce, Nb and Rh) can be added at anytime without the need for hardware upgrades.

Our Lubricant Analyzers